Insurance dataset
A collection of insurance datasets from real insurers or mutual companies, mostly from Europe and North America. Datasets can be used to model and understand risks in both life... -
Replication dataset for "A comprehensive review and benchmark of differential...
Hi-C datasets. 5 matrices corresponding to technical replicates, all given at three different resolutions (200 kb, 500kb, 1Mb) and for three different chromosomes (1, 7, 21).... -
The Response Scale Transformation Project
In this project we have reviewed existing methods used to homogenize data and developed several new methods for dealing with this diversity in survey questions on the same... -
Perceived Ease of Use on Visual Learning Application for Mathematics using Ho...
The development of the MEL-VIS application involves the design of the Visual Learning Application Iteration-Evolution Development Model, MEL-VIS (PIEMEL-VIS), the MEL-VIS ID... -
Implicit Bias Classroom Workshop Data
To examine the concept retention from an implicit bias classroom workshop, we administered a self-developed seven-item seven-point Likert-scales survey to our medical students... -
Perceived Ease of Use on Visual Learning Application for Mathematics using Ho...
The development of the MEL-VIS application involves the design of the Visual Learning Application Iteration-Evolution Development Model, MEL-VIS (PIEMEL-VIS), the MEL-VIS ID... -
Data for The Impact of universal recycling on the evolution of economic diver...
Please see readme file for instructions -
Perceived Ease of Use on Visual Learning Application for Mathematics using Ho...
The development of the MEL-VIS application involves the design of the Visual Learning Application Iteration-Evolution Development Model, MEL-VIS (PIEMEL-VIS), the MEL-VIS ID... -
Debunking strategies for misleading bar charts
This deposit includes the data that was collected in an experimental study on debunking strategies for misleading bar charts, involving 2 surveys (one week delay) with a total... -
Road Traffic Safety
Police reported road traffic casualties and Hospital patients of road traffic crashes were linked and filtered to patients with severity MAIS2+.-Some patients were not reported... -
Data from employment recruiting agency
Data for process mining for r analysing performance-based business rules of the application process at an employment agency. Date Submitted: 2021-08-30 -
Water Distribution Infrastructure Model
This data includes the source code for a simulation model of urban water distribution infrastructure system developed to integrate the institutional agencies’ renewal... -
Equality vs. Equivalence
Many differences exist between the logical relations “equality” and “equivalence”. In this monograph I point out differences that concern definition, linguistics, computational... -
Football match outcomes; FIFA Confederations Cups and World Cup tournaments
Data used for the paper entitled "Home advantage for tournament victory: Empirical evidence from FIFA Confederations and World Cups" Date Submitted: 2022-11-04 -
Bayesian integration of flux tower data into process-based simulator for quan...
This research implemented a Bayesian statistical method to calibrate a widely used process-based simulator BIOME-BGC against estimates of gross primary production (GPP) data.... -
Simulation results
In this data set, you may find the results of the simulations of the article of Guzmán et al. (2023). Date Submitted: 2023-03-07 -
Variance-based sensitivity analysis of BIOME-BGC for gross and net primary pr...
This research conducted variance-based sensitivity analysis (VBSA) of the process-based simulator BIOME-BGC for gross and net primary production (GPP and NPP) output in a... -
Innovating the Turkish supply chain for services in humanitarian aid
The distance between identified villages and neighbourhoods of Kilis province in Turkey with corresponding Syrian refugees' populations there. The data set have been used for a... -
Datasets for semi-automated Rasch analysis
This project aims to develop an automated method for obtaining a valid and reliable instrument using the Rasch model as a basis. Using this automated method, we aim to eliminate... -
Development of an Automatic system for Mapping Air quality risks in Space and...
The DAMAST project uses data from the ILM air quality monitoring network in Eindhoven which is part of the AiREAS civil initiative. This dataset contains the data from 2013-2017...