preCICE Distribution Version v2104.0
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files... -
Case 3 - Small Features
This dataset contains results related to the benchmark case 3 as described in detail in the call for participation. The sub-folder "reference" contains solutions for pressure... -
Code for effective heat conductivity in thin porous media
This code can be used to determine the effective heat conductivity of a thin periodic porous medium by solving a two- or three-dimensional local cell problem on pore scale using... -
Replication Data for: Fast Sparse Grid Operations using the Unidirectional Pr...
This dataset contains supplementary code for the paper Fast Sparse Grid Operations using the Unidirectional Principle: A Generalized and Unified Framework. The code is also... -
Replication Data for: Simulation of flow in deformable fractures using a quas...
This repository contains simulation data and postprocessing scripts used in the publication: Schmidt, P., Jaust, A., Steeb, H., Schulte, M.: "Simulation of flow in deformable... -
Replication Data for: On the Universality of the Double Descent Peak in Ridge...
This dataset contains code used to generate the figures in the paper On the Universality of the Double Descent Peak in Ridgeless Regression, David Holzmüller, International... -
Replication Data for: A Finite-Volume Moving-Mesh Method for Two-phase Flow i...
This is the replication data for the publication "A Finite-Volume Moving-Mesh Method for Two-phase Flow in Fracturing Porous Media". This dataset contains the source code of the... -
Interface Preserving Moving Mesh (Code)
Open source implementation in C++ for an interface preserving moving mesh in 2d and 3d using CGAL Delaunay triangulations. The time-dependent computational mesh allows for large... -
Replication Data for: Partitioned Coupling Schemes for Free-Flow and Porous-M...
This repository contains simulation data used in https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-43651-3_57 including the scripts for determining the errors presented in the publication.... -
The DUNE-Phasefield Module (release 1.0)
The DUNE-Phasefield module contains local operators and grid function spaces for solving Cahn-Hilliard and Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems in a FEM framework. The module... -
Data and code for Upscaled equations for two-phase flow in highly heterogeneo...
This dataset contains the code and simulation results for the paper "Upscaled equations for two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media: Varying permeability and... -
Data Sets for 'A Molecular-Continuum Multiscale Solver for Liquid-Vapor Flow:...
Data sets of the dissertation 'A Molecular-Continuum Multiscale Solver for Liquid-Vapor Flow: Modeling and Numerical Simulation', comprised of microscale particle simulation... -
The DUNE MMesh Module (Release 1.2)
The dune-mmesh module is an implementation of the DUNE grid interface that wraps CGAL triangulations in 2D and 3D. It is also capable to export a prescribed set of cell facets... -
Numerical codes for solving the boundary layer problems and computing the bou...
Numerical codes (files ending with .edp) for the computation of the boundary layer constants staying in the generalised interface conditions from Eggenweiler & Rybak (2021).... -
Smartphone-Apps im Mathematikstudium
Bereitstellung einer Sammlung von Android-Apps zum Einsatz in der universitäten Mathematik-Ausbildung, gleichermaßen als Demonstratoren und zum Selbststudium. -
Neck muscle data for Falling Heads: investigating reflexive responses to head...
This dataset contains the neck muscle parameters for the user-defined Extended Hill Type Muscle Material as used in the publication paper "’Falling Heads’: investigating... -
Replication Data for: New algorithms for hierarchical optimization in kidney ...
This archive contains a large number of kidney exchange instances, each modelled as a JSON file. The files are named Generated_notes_20140709__-.json (e.g.,... -
sMRI for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease progression_PONE-D-21-16628R1
the data sample contains 203 structural MRI images from 94 subjects ranged from 55 to 90 years old from the ADNI dataset ( sourced from ADNI, http://adni.loni.usc.edu/) Date... -
Replication data for "Combining single-gene-resistant and pyramided cultivars...
R code for reproducing the analysis, results and figures presented in the article: Zaffaroni, M., Papaïx, J., Rimbaud, L., Geffersa, A. G., Rey,J.-F., Fabre, F. 2024. Combining... -
Replication Data for: Exact decomposition approaches for a single container l...
This repository contains the code for all algorithms discussed in the paper "Exact decomposition approaches for a single container loading problem with stacking constraints and...