Data for: Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli Rel...
The DaRUS repository entails and supplements the simulation data, MATLAB model and graphics for the publication: "Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli... -
Supplementary material for 'Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficien...
Supplementary material for 'Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficient of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures in the liquid state' (N. E. R. Zimmermann, G. Guevara-Carrion, J.... -
Data for: Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli Rel...
The DaRUS repository entails and supplements the simulation data, MATLAB model and graphics for the publication: "Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli... -
Supplementary material for 'Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficien...
Supplementary material for 'Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficient of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures in the liquid state' (N. E. R. Zimmermann, G. Guevara-Carrion, J....