Distribution of marine litter at bathyal and abyssal depths in the Mediterran...
Litter data is standardised by sampled area and provided in kg/km**2 -
Marine Litter quantities on six Beaches of northern Svalbard in 2016 determin...
Beaches on remote Arctic islands may be sinks for marine litter and reflect pollution levels of the surrounding waters particularly well. We provide the first quantitative data... -
Station data for marine litter survey at the seafloor of the SE North Sea
This dataset has no description
Marine litter at the seafloor of the SE North Sea
This dataset has no description
Transect descriptions of marine litter surveys at the sea surface of the SE N...
This dataset has no description
Marine litter at the sea surface of the SE North Sea
This dataset has no description
Litter trends at three stations of the HAUSGARTEN observatory
The deep sea is considered a major sink for debris even in regions as secluded as the Arctic Ocean. Here, we assess the variability of litter over a latitudinal gradient at the... -
Litter sightings along ROV dive-transects at three European cold-seep sites (...
Values indicate numbers of identified litter items -
Beach Litter - Median number of cigarette related items normalized per 100m &...
This visualization product displays the cigarette related items abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)... -
Beach litter - Number of surveys & temporal coverage per beach - Other so...
This visualization product displays the number of non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning operations and the associated temporal coverage per beach. EMODnet... -
Beach Litter - Number of surveys & temporal coverage per beach - Other so...
This visualization product displays the number of non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning operations and the associated temporal coverage per beach. EMODnet... -
Micro litter - Density per net normalized per liter - Other specific protocol...
This visualization product displays the density of floating micro-litter per net normalized per liter per year from specific protocols different from research and monitoring... -
Micro litter - Density per net normalized in grams per km² - Research and mon...
This visualization product displays the density of floating micro-litter per net normalized in grams per km² per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry... -
Seafloor litter - Trawls locations 2006/2021 v2021
This visualization product displays the location of all the surveys present in the EMODnet marine litter database (MLDB). The different fishing gears used are represented by... -
Beach litter - Median of total abundance items normalized per 100m & to 1...
This visualization product displays the total abundance of marine macro-litter (> 2.5cm) per beach per year from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring... -
Beach litter - Beaches locations & litter list used - Other sources 2001/...
This visualization product displays beaches locations where non-MSFD monitoring surveys, research & cleaning operations have been applied to collate data on macrolitter... -
Seafloor litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in p...
This visualization product displays the marine litter material categories percentage per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase.... -
Micro litter - Spatial distribution of litter density normalized per km² - Re...
This visualization product displays the spatial distribution of litter density normalized per km² per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the... -
Seafloor litter - Spatial distribution of fishing related items density norma...
This visualization product displays the spatial distribution of fishing related items density per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd... -
Seafloor litter - Density per trawl normalized per km² 2011/2022 v2023
This visualization product displays the density of seafloor litter per trawl. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Since the beginning of...