Prostorske in okoljske vrednote, 2004
Raziskavo je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo (CPS) na Fakulteti za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani.... -
Prostorske in okoljske vrednote 2004_2018
Prvo raziskavo z naslovom »Prostorske in okoljske vrednote« je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, leta 2004 izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo... -
The Politics of Road Transport Insurance, 2022-2023
This dataset contains a set of semi-structured interviews with (motor) insurers, insurance stakeholders, and stakeholders in transport or law working closely with insurers. The... -
Low-carbon innovation in China 2013-2017
Data collected for this project consisted of notes, written up contemporaneously, from semi-structured interviews and focus groups regarding responses to and/or activity... -
Walking interviews exploring the role of neighbourhood in the health and happ...
This qualitative data was collected as part of the Urban ID project (one of the RCUK Urban Living Partnership projects). The data was collected in order to explore neighbourhood... -
Interviews on Brexit, trade, migration and higher education 2017-2018
This project uses interview data to investigate the implications, implementation and consequences of Brexit for UK universities, including the effects in relation to migration,...