Prostorske in okoljske vrednote, 2004
Raziskavo je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo (CPS) na Fakulteti za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani.... -
Prostorske in okoljske vrednote 2004_2018
Prvo raziskavo z naslovom »Prostorske in okoljske vrednote« je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, leta 2004 izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo... -
Multi-aspect Integrated Migration Indicators
The Multi-aspect Integrated Migration Indicators (MIMI) dataset is the result of the process of gathering, embedding and combining traditional migration datasets, mostly from... -
Industrial work and de-industrialization
At the class with study topic “Oral History” with the professor Antonis Antoniou collected 19 biographical narrative interviews from the students of I.A.K.A. during the winter... -
Au pairing after the au pair scheme: New migration rules and childcare in pri...
Qualitative interviews with 40 au pairs based in the UK. The interviews cover why they became au pairs; what their working routine is like; their relationships with their host... -
Childhood in the migrant city: Statelessness, exclusion and modes of belongin...
This collection consists of detailed, hand-written ethnographic fieldnotes from fieldwork in Sabah, transcripts of interviews with children and youth, children's photographs and... -
Labour market aspects of East-Central European migration to the UK 2010
This strand of research was carried out between January 2010 and October 2010 and focused on 61 interviews with the providers and users of East-Central European migrant labour.... -
Trade unions and migrant workers
A series of in-depth interviews with specific individuals belonging to trade unions in the UK, Italy and the Netherlands. The aim of the comparison is to highlight differences... -
Culturally variable psychological measures for British Bangladeshis and non-m...
This dataset contains multiple measures of psychological processes that have previously been found to vary cross-culturally: individualism, collectivism, closeness to others,... -
Marriage migration and integration - Interview data
This data collection consists of semi-structured interviews designed to cover processes in five domains of integration (social, cultural, structural, civic and political,... -
Labour outmigration, agricultural productivity and food security, Wave 1, Par...
Using the Chitwan Valley Family Study (CVFS) existing surveys and national surveys (Demographic Health Survey and Nepal Living Standard Survey), we designed a 43-minute... -
Kenyan Pentecostals between home, London, and the Kingdom of God 2014-2016
This data collection includes data collected as part of the Kenyan Pentecostals between home, London, and the Kingdom of God project. It includes (1) transcribed notes from... -
Participatory theatre and walking methods for social research
The collection contains transcripts from interviews with three groups: (1) migrant mothers of primary school children in London; (2) 13 year old girls from migrant families in... -
Migration and the reshaping of consumption patterns 2018
This survey is a longitudinal online survey which has been administered to students enrolled in two Chinese universities who are studying in China or are abroad attending an... -
EU Families in Brexiting Britain, 2017-2019
This project collected survey and interview data to study Eurochildren, their families and their experience and responses to Brexit. The project aims to portray the emergence of...