4 datasets found

Keywords: MH33_TRANS

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  • Mixed micelles with "green" surfactants

    This proposal aims to explore aqueous phase structures and compositions of a series of mixed surfactants. Although standard surfactant mixtures have been extensively studied...
  • Solventless protein liquids: a novel form of biological matter

    Solventless protein liquids (SPLS) represent a novel form of biological matter. Recently we reported on the preparation and properties of a solvent-free liquid protein based on...
  • Gold-loaded microgels

    Recent results show that gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) can be included into microgels (MGs). UV-visible spectra (Figure 1) suggest the original Au-NP sols retain their size and...
  • Structure of biocompatible fluorescent microemulsions

    Building from work previously carried out at ISIS (RB1410544) and pulished open-access in Chem. Commun. 2016, 25, 7344, we propose a SANS experiment to investigate the structure...
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