ASPIRE COVID-19 Work Package 5: Metadata for Clinical and Organisational Data...
The submission is a collection of metadata for clinical and organisational data. Analysis was undertaken by the members of Work Package 5 (WP5), of the ASPIRE COVID-19 project,... -
Looking back on becoming a mother: longitudinal perspectives on maternity car...
This research is a long-term follow-up of the study 'Becoming a Mother' carried out in 1974-6 by Professor Ann Oakley, which explored the experiences of first-time mothers in... -
Social networks and infant mortality: the impact of bonding and bridging on b...
Qualitative and quantitative data relating to social networks and support received by women from diverse backgrounds during pregnancy and following the birth of their child.... -
Study to Explore Women's Childbirth Choices and Experiences, 2018-2020
The project collected questionnaire data and interview transcripts with women who were currently pregnant or had recently given birth. as well as interview transcripts with... -
The Impact of Professional Midwives and Mentoring on the Quality and Availabi...
Background: This study examined whether the introduction of professional midwives with and without facility mentorship improved care quality and availability in sub-district... -
New and Expectant Parents' Experiences during the First UK Lockdown, 2020
This collection contains the documentation and raw anonymised data from 1,754 parents whose babies were born/due to be born during the first three months of the UK lockdown.... -
ASPIRE COVID-19: Work Package 2 National Satekholders Interviews, United King...
The dataset is a collection of data undertaken by the members of Work Package 2 (WP2), of the ASPIRE COVID-19 project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),... -
ASPIRE COVID-19 Work Package 2: National Stakeholders Interviews, the Netherl...
The dataset is a collection of data undertaken by the members of Work Package 2 (WP2), of the ASPIRE COVID-19 project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),... -
ASPIRE COVID-19 Work Package 2: Babies Born Better Survey, United Kingdom and...
This is a collection of data undertaken by the members of Work Package 2 (WP2), of the ASPIRE COVID-19 project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), as...