Overview of sampling sites, site characteristics, and experiments to explore ...
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Abundance of Prokaryotes in deep-sea sediments analyzed by CARD-FISH
We fixed 0.5 g aliquots of sediment with a 4% formaldehyde solution for 2-4 h, washed the fixed sediments three times with 1x phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), before storing... -
Benthic anammox and dentrification rates measured in a slurry incubation expe...
Vertical distributions of benthic denitrification and anammox rates within the sediment were estimated from slurry incubation experiments. Rates were used to calculate the... -
Concentrations of dissolved iron and sulphide in sediment pore water at four ...
Sampling was conducted during the R/V Meteor cruise M74/2, on 7th to 28th October 2007, in the Arabian Sea over the Pakistan shelf. Four stations ranging from 360 to 1430 m were... -
Dissolved inorganic carbon in the sediment at four different stations in the ...
Sampling was conducted during the R/V Meteor cruise M74/2, on 7th to 28th October 2007, in the Arabian Sea over the Pakistan shelf. Four stations ranging from 360 to 1430 m were... -
Concentration of nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate in the water column at four ...
Sampling was conducted during the R/V Meteor cruise M74/2, on 7th to 28th October 2007, in the Arabian Sea over the Pakistan shelf. Four stations ranging from 360 to 1430 m were... -
Physical oceanography of four different CTD stations in the Arabian Sea off P...
Sampling was conducted during the R/V Meteor cruise M74/2, on 7th to 28th October 2007, in the Arabian Sea over the Pakistan shelf. Four stations ranging from 360 to 1430 m were... -
(Appendix 1) Stable carbon and hydrogen data of different settings
w.m.: values are given as weighted mean of seperate aliquots extracted over time, n.m.: not measured, n.d.: not detected, Depth, sediment=mbsf: meter below seafloor -
M74/2 raw data of EM120 multibeam echosounder (bathymetry & beam time)
Between 07.10.2007 and 28.10.2007, bathymetric data was acquired in the Makran region during the R/V METEOR cruise M74/2. The subduction of the Eurasian plate beneath the Arab... -
MM74/2 raw data of EM710 multibeam echosounder (bathymetry, beam time series ...
Between 07.10.2007 and 28.10.2007, bathymetric data was acquired in the Makran region during the R/V METEOR cruise M74/2. The subduction of the Eurasian plate beneath the Arab... -
(Appendix 7) Tabulated data of hydrocarbon gases from different oceanographic...
n.m.: not measured, n.d.: not detected, Depth, sediment=meter below seafloor -
(Appendix 1-4) Geochemistry, desorption methods, TOC, TC, and mineral content...
Sorption of volatile hydrocarbon gases (VHCs) to marine sediments is a recognized phenomenon that has been investigated in the context of petroleum exploration. However, little... -
Track of METEOR cruise M74/2 with links to navigation files in 10 sec interval
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Subbottom and water column data recorded with Parasound echo sounder on METEO...
File format description see: Data Acquisition of ATLAS PARASTORE, Atlas Hydrographic (2007), Operator Manual ATLAS PARASTORE, Doc. Id.: ED 6006 G 212:/Version: 4.0/Edition:... -
Common depth points and associated geographic coordinates
Fluids in subduction zones can influence seismogenic behaviour and prism morphology. The Eastern Makran subduction zone, offshore Pakistan, has a very thick incoming sediment...