SNAC - Swedish National study on Aging and Care.
The long-term longitudinal study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care - was launched in 2001 by initiative of the Swedish government in order to answer questions... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Nordanstig (SNAC-N)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Blekinge (SNAC-B)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Skåne (SNAC-S) - GÅS
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne Gott... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 1
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 2
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 3
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 4
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins (OCTO-Twin) Våg 5
The OCTO-Twin Study aims to investigate the etiology of individual differences among twin-pairs age 80 and older, on a range of domains including health and functional capacity,... -
Kvinnoundersökningen (KVUS) - Psykiatrisk del
This data description concerns the psychiatric sub-studies of the Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenburg (PPSW). PPSW is a multidisciplinary longitudinal study,... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Kohorten av svenska män kliniska subkohorter (COSM kliniska subkohorter) - CO...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of men in the Cohort of Swedish Men living in Västerås and Örebro between 2010 and 2019. A re-examination is planned, but is pending... -
Kohorten av svenska män kliniska subkohorter (COSM kliniska subkohorter) - CO...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of men in the Cohort of Swedish Men living in Västerås and Örebro between 2010 and 2019. A re-examination is planned, but is pending... -
Malmö Kost Cancer
The MDC was started in the early 1990s as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. 28000 subjects living in Malmö were during... -
Malmö Förebyggande Medicin
The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the... -
Malmö Förebyggande Medicin
The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the... -
Kohorten av svenska män (COSM) - Kohorten av svenska män, COSM 1997
The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in...