6 datasets found

Keywords: Language tool

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  • TRL Malt Parser module for Spanish

    The file espmalt-1.0.mco contains a single malt configuration for parsing Spanish text with MaltParser. The parser presupposes that the input is in CoNLL-X format and tagged...
  • FreeLing to LMF converter

    - This tool generates a LMF version of FreeLing lexicons. FreeLing lexicons are tabular files which list word forms together with part of speech information. The tool is a perl...
  • MATE Parser module for Spanish

    In this package we include the following: logonFinal20130315_4matetools361.model; parse_ESCAsentences_mate.sh; freeling_spaMate.sh; toconll2006.py; prueba.txt (test file: 4...
  • MATE Parser module for Spanish

    In this package we include the following: logonFinal20130315_4matetools361.model; parse_ESCAsentences_mate.sh; freeling_spaMate.sh; toconll2006.py; prueba.txt (test file: 4...
  • Tibidabo Treebank and IULA Spanish LSP Treebank Train and Test Partitions

    This package contains a partition of the Iula Spanish LSP Treebank into train and test sets to perform Machine Learning experiments. In that way the same partitions can be used...
  • Apertium Monolingual Lexicon to LMF converter

    This tool generates the LMF version of Apertium monolingual lexicons. The script takes as input an expanded monolingual Apertium lexicon (generated using: lt-expand apertium.dix...
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