23 true Elementary Sampling Units (ESUs) set in the Lena Delta representing t...
This data set includes training elements representing different vegetation composition in the form of Elementary Sampling Units ESUs: 23 true ESUs representing the LD18... -
69 pseudo Elementary Sampling Units (ESUs) set in the Lena Delta derived with...
This data set includes training elements representing different vegetation composition in the form of Elementary Sampling Units ESUs: 69 pseudo ESUs set with expert knowledge... -
Measurements of net soil-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange and its oxygen an...
Soils were sampled from 27 sites in western Eurasia during 2016 and 17 sites in northeastern Australia during 2017. Triplicate replicate microcosm incubations were created from... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Carbon and nitrogen data from permafrost cores of the Ikpikpuk river and Fish...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the Lena River Delta
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Atmospheric methane consumption by upland soils - dataset 1: high temporal re...
This dataset contains methane fluxes measured at high temporal resolution (hourly fluxes) collected over two snow-free seasons (June–August; 2019, 2021) at Trail Valley Creek,... -
Soil characteristics of savannah soils across Brasil
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Results of pseudobiomization method (PBM) with scores for each land cover cla...
This dataset has no description
Atmospheric methane consumption by upland soils - dataset 2: campaign-based m...
This dataset includes campaign-based, manual chamber measurements at sites displaying net methane (CH4) uptake. These manual measurements were conducted during the growing... -
Physical characteristics of soil profiles from the CARBOSOL Database of Spain
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A global dataset of crowdsourced land cover and land use reference data (2011...
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Land cover, land use and human impact control 3
LC3c - A third choice for third land cover present if it was difficult and/or we could not agree on third land cover not observed. -
Land cover, land use and human impact control 2
LC5 - Fifth land cover type present in the pixel (i.e. mixed pixel) not observed. -
Land cover, land use and human impact control 1
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