Global hourly NEP, NPP, GPP and heterotrophic respiration for 2010-2023 based...
The product is generated in 2024. LPJ-GUESS (version 4.0, revision 6562) is forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial CO2 flux at a resolution of... -
European hourly NEP, NPP, GPP and heterotrophic respiration for 2010-2023 bas...
The product is generated in 2024. LPJ-GUESS (version 4.0, revision 6562) is forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate European terrestrial CO2 flux at a resolution of... -
Global hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2010-2022 based on LPJ-GUESS...
The product is generated in 2023. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
European hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2010-2022 based on LPJ-GUE...
The product is generated in 2023. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
European hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2017-2021 based on LPJ-GUE...
The product is generated in 2022. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
Global hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2017-2020 based on LPJ-GUESS...
The product is generated in 2021. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree.... -
Global hourly NEE, GPP and total respiration for 2017-2021 based on LPJ-GUESS...
The product is generated in 2022. LPJ-GUESS (revision 6562) forced with hourly ERA5 climate datasets to simulate global terrestrial NEE, GPP and total respiration in 0.5 degree....