Growth responses of Skeletonema marinoi-dohrnii complex and Chattonella marin...
Growth responses of Skeletonema marinoi-dohrnii complex and Chattonella marina isolated from Japanese coastal waters were monitored under different nitric oxide (NO) supply... -
Temperature incubations of microbial communities from two different locations...
This dataset encompasses data derived from two temperature incubation experiments aboard the RV Polarstern, using a unicellular microbial community collected from different... -
Metadata for incubation experiment testing temperature effects on a microbial...
We performed a temperature incubation experiment on board the RV Polarstern with a unicellular microbial community sampled from the Hausgarten station IV in Fram Strait during... -
Temperature effects on the physiology of photosynthesis and respiration in Ph...
Phaeodactylum tricornutum strain CCAP 1052/1A was cultivated at 6°C and 15°C under controlled conditions (32 salinity, F/2 medium, 400 µatm pCO2, 100 µmol photons m-2 s-2 light... -
Effect of iron and manganese supply on a natural phytoplankton community of t...
This study highlights the importance of manganese (Mn) next to iron (Fe) for the growth of specific Southern Ocean phytoplankton groups with important implications for carbon... -
Chlorophyll pigments of the central Arctic Ocean during POLARSTERN cruise ARK...
During the RV Polarstern cruise ARK-XXVII/3 to the Arctic Ocean in summer 2012, when sea ice declined to a record minimum bottom, sediments were collected with a TV-guided... -
Chlorophyll a-content of all (total), the small (0.2-2 μm) and the large (> 2...
Two Fe-Mn bottle amendment experiments with two natural phytoplankton communities were performed during Polarstern expedition PS97 in 2016 in the Drake Passage. At two... -
Chlorophyll pigments and total organic carbon measured during POLARSTERN crui...
Chlorophyll pigments:Subsamples of the top first cm of sediment were obtained using cut-off plastic syringes. Samples for chlorophyll pigment analyses were stored dark and... -
Organic matter, water-isotopes and cell abundances of Arctic Century cruise
The discrete biogeochemical measurements from RV Akademik Tryoshnikov AT21 sampled for chlorophylla, delta 18O isotopes, dissolved organic matter and microbial cell abundances.... -
Sediment phaeopigment concentrations from the Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean) durin...
Sampling was conducted with a TV-guided multiple corer (MUC), in order to retrieve undisturbed sediment cores. Upon retrieval of the MUC, the overlying water was carefully... -
Sediment characteristics at the air-sea interface of Red Sea mangrove forests
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Grazing of nano- and microzooplankton on, and growth of picoplankton and nano...
The dataset shows the orginal data based on which grazing rates of micro- and nanozooplankton and the growth rates of their prey, in austral autumn (April) close to the...