Bathymétrie - Kerguelen (synthèse, 2025) résolution 200 m
Bathymétrie autour de l'île de Kerguelen, au pas de 200 m. Ce MNT est une compilation de données issues de plusieurs campagnes océanographiques. Le MNT a été produit dans le... -
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry data from a volcanic sequence from IODP...
Core samples were collected from a volcanic sequence at Holes D and E, Site U1513 on the eastern Naturaliste Plateau, offshore southwest Australia. The site was drilled by the... -
Tephra characterisation of Holocene sediment core ARM14-I-04 from Lake Armor,...
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Hg concentrations of Holocene sediment core ARM14-I-04 from Lake Armor, Kergu...
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K and Ca measurements of Holocene sediment core ARM14-II-03 from Lake Armor, ...
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K and Ca measurements of Holocene sediment core ARM14-I-04 from Lake Armor, K...
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Radiocarbon ages of Holocene sediment cores ARM14-I-04 and ARM14-II-03 from L...
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K, Ca and Hg measurement and tephra characterisation from Holocene Lake Armor...
These geochemical measurement were used to identify and characterise Holocene volcanic deposits from Kerguelen Islands. They permitted to establish the first continuous... -
X-ray diffraction (XRD) data of basaltic rocks cored at IODP Site 369-U1513
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X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and 40Ar/39Ar data obtained...
A series of basaltic flows and associated dolerite dykes were cored at depths of >680m below the seafloor, at the base of IODP Site U1513. These cores were obtained from the... -
Element analysis (XRF) of basaltic rocks of IODP Site 369-U1513
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Sample information of basaltic rocks of IODP Site 369-U1513
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40Ar/39Ar isotopic analyse of basaltic rocks of IODP Site 369-U1513
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Diatom based sea surface temperatures in core MD11-3353 (150kyrs record)
In the Southern Ocean (SO), climate-driven latitudinal migrations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) frontal system impact large-scale ocean circulation and primary... -
Radiolarian based subsurface temperatures in sediment core MD11-3353 (360kyrs...
In the Southern Ocean (SO), climate-driven latitudinal migrations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) frontal system impact large-scale ocean circulation and primary... -
Trait variation in invasive populations: a global analysis of brown trout mo...
The present datasets describe morphological measurements performed on 32 brown trout populations distributed among five regions around the world. The "Globaldataset.csv"...