Element analysis of sediment core SO217-18522 (GIK18522-3)
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Elemental composition of sediment core PG2208
Core sections were opened alongside and cut into halves of which one was used for non-destructive XRF scanning and back-up material, while the other one was subsampled for... -
(Fig. 4) Elemental composition of sediment core PG1984
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Standardized element data of sediment core PG2360 from Lake Bety (Yakutia, Ru...
This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized X-ray fluorescence line... -
Elemental ratio analysis from sediment core GIK18522-2
This dataset presents a high-resolution record of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)-scanner derived of elemental ratios in terrigenous discharge from northeastern Kalimantan and... -
XRF analysis of DSDP Hole 85-574
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XRF analysis of DSDP Hole 85-574A
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(Table T2) Normalized median-scaled (NMS) data for all scans along splice for...
Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe, are from the 10 kV scan; Ba is from the 50 kV scan. -
(Table T1) Raw XRF scan peak area data for all scans on Site U1338, unspliced
Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe are from the 10 kV scan; Ba is from the 50 kV scan. -
XRF of composite sediment core NC_08/01
Presented are analytical data from lacustrine sediment cores, retrieved from Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). The sediment core is a composite of one gravity core, taken with a... -
(Appendix 1) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements of lake Nam Co sediment co...
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XRF-scanned Ti, Fe and Ca of piston core M77/2_059-1
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XRF-scanned Ti, Fe and Ca of piston core M77/2_056-5
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XRF-CS data from the Store Mosse Dune South peat sequence
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X-Ray Fluoresence data ODP Hole 143-865B and 143-865C
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XRF core scanning data from Cores LB1 and LB3 (La Bedoule, southern France)
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XRF core scanning data from Core LB3 (La Bedoule, southern France)
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XRF core scanning data from Core LB1 (La Bedoule, southern France)
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0-95, 95-244 and 244-378: XRF peak area (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Si, Sr, Zr) data ...
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Sheet 1: XRF peak area data (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Si, Sr, Zr) and elemental rat...
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