X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms R...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Würzburg, Staatsarchiv Würzbu...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from 45 Domkapitel... -
Priests, Officials, and Scribes: "Ink-Contacts" in the Multilingual and Multi...
Presentation at the international colloquium INK-QUIRY Inks: between text and materiality, 11.12.2023, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid (Spain). The research for this... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms V...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms R...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Leipzig, Universitaetsbibliot...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms V...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Munich, Bayerisches Hauptstaa...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from 37 Emmeran... -
MSI Data of Inks on Parchment and Papyrus fragments prepared in collaboration...
As part of cooperation with Schülerforschungszentrum Hamburg (SFZ), the Cluster UWA offers courses in which pupils in grades 8 to 10 can try to unravel... -
Measurements of imprints of spectacle frames in the Campione dei Beni, 1504 (...
This dataset was created in the context of the publication A. Janke, C. Colini, K.A. Huskin, S. Bosch, and I. Shevchuk, "A Second Look at Multispectral Data of Late... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu B...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification for spots on ink and pigment, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Dublin, Chester Beatty Librar...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks and pigments (for... -
Multispectral Imaging Data of the Fragment Collection B 7 ("Welscher Gast") o...
Multispectral imaging data of selected areas of the fragment collection B 7 owned by Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg. The multispectral images were... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Forschungsbibliothek Gotha Ms...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification for spots on ink and pigment, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu B...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification for spots on ink and pigment, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Milan, Ambrosian Library, Ms ...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Milan, Ambrosian... -
Deutscher Orientalistentag 2022 presentation: Same but different – XRF study ...
Same but different – XRF study of inks from 13-14th centuries Torah scroll Ms Erfurt 7 (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussicher Kulturbesitz, Ms. Or. fol. 1216) is a... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August B...
XRF (ARTAX: 50kV, 600 µA, linescans of 10 points of 30s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification under vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks and pigments... -
X-Ray Fluorescence Data from Copenhagen,Royal Library, Ms GKS1810
XRF (ARTAX: 50kV, 600 µA, linescans of 10 points of 15s each) analysis of ink on Ms GKS1810 (13th century CE) from the Royal Library, Copenhagen as part of SFB950 project... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Cambridge, Wren Library Ms B1...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 100 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification for spots on ink and pigment, x200 magnification for spots on...