Detrital apatite dating from Ordovician from sandstones in the South Mayo Tro...
These data are trace element concentrations and U-Pb isotope ratios from detrital apatite in Ordovician sandstones in Co. Mayo in western Ireland. UTM Sampling locations are... -
Element concentrations of snowpit samples of Law Dome
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U-Pb isotope ratios and trace element concentrations of carbonate-fluorapatit...
These data are trace element concentrations and U-Pb isotope ratios from phosphate nodules in Carboniferous-age carbonates, shales and phosphorites in Co. Clare, western... -
Trace metal concentrations measured during Pelagia cruise 64PE398 in 2015
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Trace element concentrations of snow samples from New Zealand glaciers
This dataset contains dust mass concentrations dust-laden surface snow from the Franz-Josef, Fox and Tasman Glaciers in the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Samples were collected... -
(Figure 5a) Annually averaged LA-ICP-MS Fe56 measurements (1-1820) with appli...
Dataset corresponds to Figure 5a in the final manuscript. Annually averaged LA-ICP-MS Fe56 measurements from 1-1820 C.E. with applied Gaussian Filter.Note: For more information... -
(Figure 7p2) LA-ICP-MS Fe56 measurements (1315-1365) on ice core KCC from Col...
Dataset corresponds to Figure 7 in the final manuscript. LAICPMS Fe56 measurements from 1315-1365 C.E. -
(Figure 7p1) Averaged Resample by 0.02 years of LAICPMS Fe56 data with applie...
Dataset corresponds to Figure 7 in the final manuscript. Averaged Resample by 0.02 years of LAICPMS Fe56 data with applied Gaussian filter from 1315-1365. -
(Figure 2) Un-adjusted LA-ICP-MS 4-cm multi-element runs on ice core KCC from...
Dataset corresponds to Figure 2 in the final manuscript. This dataset is composed of un-adjusted LA-ICP-MS 4-cm multi-element runs in intensity (cps) by depth. Note: For more... -
(Figure 6) Aerosol chemical speciation at Gruvebadet laboratory, Ny-Ålesund,...
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