87Sr/86Sr values and age determination from the Il-Blata section, Malta Islan...
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Growth rates of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus during an ex-situ ...
We conducted a medium-term (4 months) multiple stressor experiment with the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus under future environmental conditions (IPCC RCP 8.5 scenarios... -
Lithium and osmium isotopes in bulk carbonates of ODP Hole 159-959D
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Lithium and osmium isotopes, and trace element ratios in bulk carbonates of I...
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Lithium and osmium isotopes, and trace element ratios in bulk carbonates of O...
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Growth, respiration and mortality rates of live L. pertusa under gradually am...
All parameters assessed at the end of the experiment (dry weight of the corals/dead coral framework fragments, ash-free dry mass (AFDM), total polyp count, bacterial background... -
Growth, respiration and mortality rates of live L. pertusa under gradually am...
Measured parameters (net calcification/dissolution, net dissolution/bioerosion, respiration, mortality, temperature, salinity, total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and live coral performance vs. framework dissolu...
Physiological sensitivity of cold-water corals to ocean change is far less understood than of tropical corals and very little is known about the impacts of ocean acidification... -
Biogeochemical particle flux results of moored sediment trap systems from two...
The particle flux studies were carried out by the Biogeochemistry working group at the Universität Hamburg as part of the GENUS and TRAFFIC research projects. Two long term... -
Particle flux from sediment trap M153_7-1
The sediment trap was attached to the same mooring as the MDO and recorded total particle fluxes, which were averaged to monthly means. -
Age determination from microcharcoal of surface ocean sediments offshore Africa
Further fundings: CAMPFIRE Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Fire_cci Project, Award: 4000126706/19/I-NB -
Current data measured during a dredge experiment during RV SONNE cruise SO268...
Expedition SO268 was part of the JPI Oceans project MiningImpact to assess the environmental impacts of deep sea mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Zone... -
Turbidity and current data measured during a dredge experiment during RV SONN...
Expedition SO268 was part of the JPI Oceans project MiningImpact to assess the environmental impacts of deep sea mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Zone... -
Current data measured during CTD casts during RV SONNE cruise SO268/2 in the ...
Expedition SO268 was part of the JPI Oceans project MiningImpact to assess the environmental impacts of deep sea mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Zone... -
Characteristics of all slip events occurring at the final velocity step where...
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d13C values measured by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in shells of the plan...
Foraminiferal shells of the species M. allisonensis from the PETM section of ODP Site 865, Central Pacific, were cast with 3 grains of UWC-3 calcite standard (Kozdon et al.,... -
d13C values measured by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in shells of the plan...
Foraminiferal shells of the species M. velascoensis from sediments spanning ~650 ka across the PETM section of ODP Site 865, Central Pacific, were cast with 3 grains of UWC-3... -
Mg/Ca ratios measured by Electron Probe Microanalyzer in shells of the plankt...
Foraminiferal shells of the species M. allisonensis from the PETM section of ODP Site 865, Central Pacific, were embedded in epoxy and polished to midsection. Suitable,... -
Mg/Ca ratios measured by Electron Probe Microanalyzer in shells of the plankt...
Foraminiferal shells of the species M. velascoensis from sediments spanning ~650 ka across the PETM section of ODP Site 865, Central Pacific, were embedded in epoxy and polished... -
Statistics of the recurrence rate analysis for U1308 benthic δ18O, U1308 bulk...
Statistics of the recurrence rate analysis for U1308 benthic δ18O, U1308 bulk carbonate δ18O (Hodell and Channell, 2016) and NGRIP δ18O (Rasmussen et al., 2014). The RR...