Size and otolith morphometrics of Notoscopelus kroyeri collected during IESSN...
This dataset contains biological measurements of 338 individuals of the North Atlantic myctophid Notoscopelus kroyeri (Krøyer's lantern fish). Individuals were collected... -
Size, age and otolith morphometrics of Benthosema glaciale collected during I...
This dataset contains biological measurements and the estimated age of 89 individuals of the North Atlantic myctophid Benthosema glaciale (glacier lantern fish). Individuals... -
Supplementary material of the paper: “The Digital 3D-Atlas MAKER (DAMAKER): a...
Replication materials for the paper "The Digital 3D-Atlas MAKER (DAMAKER): a dynamic and expandable digital 3D-tool for monitoring the temporal changes in tissue growth during... -
Thickness measurements of the blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the...
Samples were embedded in expoxy resin and polished using silicon carbide papers to expose the internal shell. Light microscope images of embedded shells were taking with the... -
Hidden in plain sight: camouflage and hiding behaviour of wild precocial chic...
These are the data and R code to reproduce the results from the manuscript "Hidden in plain sight: camouflage and hiding behaviour of wild precocial chicks in an open landscape"... -
Border to center quantification
ImageJ macro to measure signal intensity from borders of the selection toward center. -
Open-Source Super-Resolution Microscopy and Data-Analysis - ESRIC 2019.pdf
My presentation for the ESRIC summer school