Technology Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration for Supporting Risk-Sensitive U...
The dataset comprises interview transcripts, interview guidelines, questionnaire survey templates, qualitative data coding structures, and published papers from three main... -
Changing of public transport arrangement in Ljubljana and Ljubljana region, 2008
Gre za prvo izmed dveh raziskav, ki sta bili izvedeni v okviru analize “Spreminjanja ureditve javnega prometa v Ljubljani in Ljubljanski regiji”. Izhodišče raziskave temelji na... -
Changing of public transport arrangement in Ljubljana and Ljubljana region, 2012
Gre za drugo (komparativno)raziskavo o možnostih izboljšanja prometne ureditve v Ljubljani prek analize percepcije zgoščevalne takse. Termin zgoščevalna taksa (congestion... -
Public opinion poll on the possibilities of improving traffic regulation in L...
Gre za prvo izmed dveh raziskav o možnostih izboljšanja prometne ureditve v Ljubljani prek analize percepcije zgoščevalne takse. Termin zgoščevalna taksa (congestion charging)... -
Public opinion poll on the possibilities of improving traffic regulation in L...
Gre za drugo (komparativno) raziskavo, ki je bila izvedena v okviru analize “Spreminjanja ureditve javnega prometa v Ljubljani in Ljubljanski regiji”. Raziskava omogoča... -
New Entrance to Mountain Farming in the Eastern Alps: Actors and their Routes...
Full edition for scientific use. The aim of this dataset is to outline the results of a mixed-methods research on new entrants to mountain farming conducted in the case study... -
Scottish House Condition Survey, 2021
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) is the largest single housing research project in... -
English Private Landlord Survey, 2021
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The English Private Landlord Survey (EPLS) is a national survey commissioned by the Department for... -
Beyond Generation Rent: Understanding the Aspirations of Private Renters Aged...
Much academic and popular attention has been paid to ‘Generation Rent’ – a growing group of young people who are trapped in the private rented sector (PRS) due to challenges in... -
GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods: ...
In order to bring a thorough and comprehensive understanding of social, economic and environmental sustainability challenges faced by cities and local communities in the... -
Spatially-Led Video Interviews, 2021-2022
This work develops a spatially-led practice to negotiate and share individuals’ perspectives of their own life course. This technique is designed particularly for researching... -
Environmental Transects Surveys of Mismanaged Waste in Off-Grid Neighbourhood...
This data set records mismanaged waste in off-grid neighbourhoods lacking essential services in two cities, namely Greater Accra in Ghana and Kisumu in Kenya. The underlying... -
ProSHARE: Enhancing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Practice...
The data uploaded as part of this transnational research relates specifically to the work carried out by the university of Sheffield. ProSHARE data therefore covers research... -
House Price Per Square Metre in England and Wales, 1995-2022
This repository is the second updated version of the attribute-linked residential property price dataset in UK Data Service ReShare 854240... -
Housing Wealth Distribution, Inequality and Residential Satisfaction, 1997-2008
This dataset encompasses the foundations and findings of a study titled "Housing Wealth Distribution, Inequality, and Residential Satisfaction," highlighting the evolution of... -
Social Capital and the Effectiveness of Land Use Policies: Evidence from Rura...
The dataset underpins a study on "Social Capital and the Effectiveness of Land Use Policies: Evidence from Rural China," drawing from the 17 Provinces Rural Land Survey by... -
Is Hiding My First Name Enough? Using Behavioural Interventions To Mitigate R...
This dataset contains the data used in the study titled “Is hiding my first name enough? Using behavioural interventions to mitigate racial and gender discrimination in the... -
Quantifying Cities Project: TI-City Urban Expansion Data, and Electricity Con...
This collection contains two datasets: one, data used in TI-City model to predict future urban expansion in Accra, Ghana; and two, residential electricity consumption data used... -
Self-Perceived Quality of Life and Substandard Housing Through SF12v2. A Tran...
The current demographic and socioeconomic scene causes an increase of people living in substandard housing(1,2) , affecting both public and individual health(1,3–7). The aim of... -
Nature’s Contribution to Poverty Alleviation, Human Wellbeing and Sustainable...
This dataset was compiled for analyses in the research project ‘Nature's contribution to poverty alleviation, human wellbeing and the SDGs’ (Nature4SDGs) (NERC Grant...