Fostering higher education students' autonomy through blended learning
The dataset contains 476 responses of higher education students to a questionnaire on the use of digital portfolios, the perception of their own autonomy and the self-assessment... -
Presencia y actividad de las universidades en redes sociales
Los datos recopilan el volumen de presencia y actividad de las 70 universidades top-ranked en Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn -
Estudio sobre la internacionalización de la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelo...
Datos de apoyo a la investigación sobre la evolución de la internacionalización en la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.... -
Data about the use of generative artificial intelligence in the training of j...
The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on communication and journalism is explored based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 32 experts. The ethical and... -
UHR's Termbase for Norwegian higher education institutions
The resource UHR-basen is a terminological database containing terms, definitions and other conceptual information in Norwegian and English within administrative domains in... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Geallieerde Bombardementen in Amsterdam Noord op de Fokker...
De heer De Jong is zestien jaar bij het begin van de oorlog. Zijn vader is schipper. Moeder is huisvrouw met een sociale rol in een buurt vol armoede en werkeloosheid. De Jong... -
Background Data for: "University students’ feedback regarding effective measu...
This study explored university students’ perceptions of the usefulness of some antibullying measures in ensuring a bullying-free learning environment. The results in this paper... -
The State of University Policy for Progress in Europe
Empowering’ university policies improve our economies, states the recent report of Empower European Universities called The State of University Policy for progress in Europe.... -
"When They Struggle I Cannot Sleep Well Either": Perceptions and Interactions...
A wealth of evidence has indicated that both students and teachers experience high levels of stress, burnout, and ultimately compromised well-being in the university context.... -
Replication Data for: Understanding Self-Regulation Strategies in Problem-Bas...
In the ongoing discussion about how learning analytics can effectively support self-regulated student learning and which types of data are most suitable for this purpose, this...