Stoichiometric sample parameters from boreal peat at FN-Land_2022_SiikanevaPe...
This dataset reports basic chemical and physical characteristics measured in intact sphagnum and peat samples sourced from a boreal peatland complex (Siikaneva Bog, Finland).... -
Initial thermokarst water and soil parameters from a palsa and a peatland sit...
In this dataset, we present the initial soil parameters of two cores from a palsa and a peatland in Lapland, as well as hydro-chemical parameters of thermokarst water used for... -
Sediment and pore water investigations in thermokarst terrain near Utqiagvik,...
This dataset comprises sediment and pore water analyses from sediment cores taken in April 2022 close to Utqiagvik, Alaska. An undisturbed upland, one drained lake basin, two... -
Temperature of Lena River water from 11.04.2019 (#79) to 16.08.2022 (#612)
The temperature of the river water was measured during sampling directly in the river at about 20 cm water depth using a handheld WTW COND 340I. -
Hydrochemistry data of a polygonal lakes near the WWF station Kytalyk at the ...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Field data of a polygonal landscape near the WWF station Kytalyk at the Berel...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Temperature, electrical conductivity, DOC, CDOM, stable water isotopes and ma...
A number of studies expect an increase of carbon export by rivers to the Arctic Ocean due to rapidly changing climate in the ArcticOne possible reason for the increase of carbon... -
Soil data from two permafrost cores near Utqiagvik, Alaska
The dataset reports soil data of soil samples sourced from two permafrost cores taken in April 2022 near Utqiagvik, Alaska, USA. For one half of both permafrost cores, the upper... -
Water characteristics of the mangrove forest of Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
Surface and pore water sampling: Dissolved organic and inorganic carbon in the water column and pore water was sampled one hour after high tide when the water started to drain... -
Water temperature and salinity data in front of GEOMAR Pier, Kiel, Germany (2...
From June 2022 to May 2023, seawater temperature and salinity data were measured repeatedly by a hand-held salinity probe (WTW Handheld ProfiLine Multi 3320 with conductivity... -
Water temperature, salinity and oxygen data in front of GEOMAR Pier, Kiel, Ge...
From January 2020 to October 2021, seawater temperature and salinity data were measured repeatedly by a hand-held salinity probe (WTW Handheld ProfiLine Multi 3320 with...