GraphML files for sequence networks of PETases and PURases
The GraphML files contain the sequence networks and annotated metadata for protein sequences. The GraphML attributes for the edges comprise the edge weights (pairwise sequence... -
GraphML files for sequence networks of PETases and PURases
The GraphML files contain the sequence networks and annotated metadata for protein sequences. The GraphML attributes for the edges comprise the edge weights (pairwise sequence... -
Representation of sentence semantic with deepened semantic graphs. Graphs are composed based on the output of saper tool https://clarin-pl.eu/dspace/handle/11321/278 -
Debunking strategies for misleading bar charts
This deposit includes the data that was collected in an experimental study on debunking strategies for misleading bar charts, involving 2 surveys (one week delay) with a total... -
Benchmark Instances for the Solar Farm Cable Layout Problem
These synthetic benchmark instances can be used to evaluate algorithmic approaches to the Solar Farm Cable Layout Problem. For more details, refer to the Readme file. Dominik... -
Kuramoto Model on KKI18 connectome
Results of fourth-order Runge--Kutta integration of the first-order Kuramoto model in brain connectome graph. Awr.dat.gz : connectome graph Awri.dat.gz : connectome... -
Kuramoto Model on KKI18 connectome
Results of fourth-order Runge--Kutta integration of the first-order Kuramoto model in brain connectome graph. Awr.dat.gz : connectome graph Awri.dat.gz : connectome...