Glacier inventory Ötztal Alps 2017
The glacier inventory data set includes the shape file of glacier outlines for the Ötztal Alps (Tyrol/Austria) for the year 2017. The glacier outlines were delineated manually... -
Glacier inventory Stubai Alps 2017/2018
The glacier inventory data set includes the shape file of glacier outlines for the Stubai Alps /Tyrol/Austria) for the year 2017 or 2018, depending on the time of the LiDAR data... -
Glacier inventory Austrian Silvretta 2017/2018
The glacier inventory data set includes shape files of glacier margins for the Austrian Silvretta for the year 2017 (Vorarlberg) and 2018 (Tyrol). The glacier outlines were... -
Spatial ice thickness distribution and glacier bed elevation for glaciers of ...
A comprehensive data set of in-situ ice thickness measurements from 58 glaciers in the Austrian Alps and observed glacier geometries of the third Austrian Glacier Inventory... -
Calibrated estimates of mean and maximum ice thickness for glaciers of the th...
A comprehensive data set of in-situ ice thickness measurements from 58 glaciers in the Austrian Alps and observed glacier geometries of the third Austrian Glacier Inventory... -
Glacier inventory of the Alps from Sentinel-2, shape files
The on-going glacier shrinkage in the Alps requires frequent updates of glacier outlines to provide an accurate database for monitoring or modeling purposes (e.g. determination... -
Temporal inventory of glaciers in the Suru sub-basin, western Himalaya
Updated knowledge about the glacier extent and characteristics in the Himalaya cannot be overemphasised. Availability of precise glacier inventories in the latitudinally diverse...