Supplementary Material | A holistic framework for developing expert systems t...
This data set provides a breakdown of energy use by energy carriers for the manufacturing industry in Germany in 2023. Moreover, CO2 factors and cost factors are given for the... -
Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_80-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_74-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_70-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_61-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_56-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_34-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_119-1
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Ex-situ O2 microprofiling on sediment core SO242/1_108-1
This dataset has no description
Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) data of sediment core GAR_1A
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Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) data of sediment core GAR_1A
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Magnetic Susceptibility of sediment core GAR_1A
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Grain size distribution of sediment core GAR_1A
This dataset has no description
Oxygen concentrations, dissolved organic carbon concentrations, total dissolv...
Water column samples from seagrass incubations were collected into acid washed single use, sterile, 60 mL syringes (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) via water column ports on the... -
Impact of climate change on the kelp Laminaria digitata: Biochemical and phys...
Global warming affects the Arctic much faster than the rest of the globe, with the highest amplitude of temperature rise occurring during the Polar Night. To determine the... -
The significance of seasonal light and temperature interaction for the latitu...
Due to the global rise in temperature, recent studies predict species shifts towards higher latitudes. The temperate kelp Laminaria hyperborea (Phaeophyceae) is an abundant... -
Geoscientific data indicate Storegga slide tsunami impact on the southeastern...
The Storegga slide tsunami (SST) at ca. 8100 ± 100-250 cal BP is known to be the largest tsunami that affected the North Sea during the entire Holocene. Geological traces of... -
OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality [Research Data]
These data are constitutif of a base gathering the sources and results of the research project "OwnReality.To Each His Own Reality. The notion of the real in the fine arts of... -
Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Population trend in the Merovingian era in Western and...
Data on Early Medieval population growth in Western and Southern Germany, based on the number of cemeteries and on the number of archaeologically dated graves. -
[Ergänzungsmaterial zu] Rinne, Christoph: Odagsen und Großenrode, Ldkr. North...
Spatialite Database (SQL) and CSV files with data of the Neolithic collective grave Odagsen I in Lower Saxony (Germany). Spatial data from individual hand-drawn plan sheets of...