Distribution of macro algae at Helgoland in 2005
This work was funded by the Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and the Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume Schleswig-Holstein. -
Age determinations on mica in the Variscides of Germany
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(Table 1) Element concentrations of dyke samples from the southern part of th...
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Pollen analytical records of cores obtained in Schleswig-Holstein, north Germany
Die erneute moorkundlich-pollenanalytische Bearbeitung Nordfrieslands galt u.a. der Klärung folgender Fragen: 1. Sind die in größerer Entfernung von der Küste gewonnenen... -
(Appendix) Lithologic description of boreholes from Raketau, Vaale, Wulksfeld...
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(Table 1) Description of sampling sites and fossil mollusc horizons from the ...
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(List 2) Molluscs from Miocene mica sediments (Grammer layers) from Uetersen,...
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(List 1) Fossil record of Mollusca in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Abundance estimate as follows: 0 = not observed, 1 = 1-5, 2 = 5-10, 3 = 10-25, 4 = 25-50, 5 = 50-100, 6 = 100-1000, 7 = 1000-10000, 8 = more than 10000 shells or valves. -
(Table 3) Description of petrographic profiles in Mittelholstein, Germany
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nach morphologischen und sedimentpetrographischen Methoden die Entwässerung der würmzeitlichen Eisrandlagen Mittelholsteins untersucht. Das...