SWPU-GRACE2021: a new temporal gravity model from GRAC
The new unconstrained GRACE monthly solution SWPU-GRACE2021 is recently developed with the dynamic approach. The reprocessed GRACE L1B RL03 data and de-aliasing product AOD1B... -
The satellite-only gravity field model GOCO06s
GOCO06s is a satellite-only, global gravity field model up to degree and order 300, with secular and annual variations up to degree and order 120. It was produced by the GOCO... -
ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach base...
"ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach based on improved filtering of the reprocessed gradients of the entire mission (GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6)"... -
Using real polar terrestrial gravimetry data to overcome the polar gap proble...
With the successful completion of ESA's PolarGAP campaign, terrestrial gravimetry data (gravity anomalies) are now available for both polar regions. Therefore, it is now... -
EIGEN-6S4 A time-variable satellite-only gravity field model to d/o 300 based...
EIGEN-6S4 is satelite-only global gravity field model from the combination of LAGEOS, GRACE and GOCE data. All spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree/order 80 are time... -
Mass variations induced by ocean tide oscillations (TiME21)
This data publication presents global mass variations that are induced by individual ocean partial tides. The data set was produced using the purely-hydrodynamical ocean tide...