Cross-validation is a method used to estimate the expected prediction error of a model. Such estimates may be of interest in themselves, but their use for model selection is... -
On detrending and cyclical asymmetry (replication data)
This paper considers the issue of testing for symmetry of the business cycle. It is demonstrated that findings of symmetry should be interpreted with caution since tests tend to... -
How quickly do forecasters incorporate news? Evidence from cross-country surv...
Using forecasts from Consensus Economics Inc., we provide evidence on the efficiency of real GDP growth forecasts by testing whether forecast revisions are uncorrelated. As the... -
Nonlinear autoregressive leading indicator models of output in G-7 countries ...
This paper studies linear and nonlinear autoregressive leading indicator models of business cycles in G-7 countries. Our models use the spread between short-term and long-term... -
Subsampling hypothesis tests for nonstationary panels with applications to ex...
This paper studies subsampling hypothesis tests for panel data that may be nonstationary, cross-sectionally correlated, and cross-sectionally cointegrated. The subsampling... -
Demographics and Business Cycle Volatility: A Spurious Relationship? (replica...
This paper replicates the estimation results of three studies on the impact of the age composition of the labor force on business cycle volatility and investigates whether they...