The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habi...
The structural biodiversity of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the BCS is studied. Furthermore, ecological indicator species are determined which can be usefull... -
De ruimtelijke en temporele variatie van het epibenthos en het hyperbenthos v...
Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the epi- and hyperbenthic community were studied at the monitoring stations on the Belgian Continental Shelf. -
Habitatkarakterisering van de Vlaamse Banken, de Zeelandbanken en de Hinderba...
Hoewel uit recente studies het belang van het hyperbenthos blijkt, is dit nog steeds een weinig onderzocht vakgebied. Duurzaambeheer van de Noordzee echter veronderstelt een... -
Epi- en hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van Belgische zandstranden@nl
This is the first study on the epi- and hyperbenthic fauna of the surf zone of sandy beaches of the Belgian coast. Therefore, as a first objective of this thesis, a lot of... -
TROPHOS/PODO-I work-database I (23/01/2004): Meiobenthos from station 330 - s...
The principle aim of this research was to investigate the morphometry of nematode communities as triggered by a phytoplankton spring bloom deposition in a well oxygenated North... -
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,... -
Hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van de Noordzee@nl
The spatio-temporal distribution of the hyperbenthos communities of the North Sea as well as the regulating factors shaping these communities were studied. -
Spatial heterogeneity of nematodes on an intertidal flat in the Westerschelde...
The spatial heterogeneity of the nematode associations on a small intertidal estuarine flat was investigated. -
Meiobenthos at the stations 115, 702, 790 on the Belgian Continental Shelf
Nematode communities were sampled at three localities along the Belgian coast -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos by means of cage experiments in a <i>...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meio-and epifauna taxa and nematode genera present at several depths in the cages, half cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia... -
An experimental approach to study epi-and infauna of mangrove forests in Gazi...
Meiobenthos densities and abiotic parameters measured during a cage experiment in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops tagal</i> forest sampled... -
Plankton biodiversity data from a LifeWatch/Jerico North Sea Cruise with R/V ...
Plankton data collected in the framework of Jerico-NEXT JRAP 1. Data were collected using different methods and sensors (fluoroprobe, flow cytometer, phytopam, FRRF, pigment... -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos using field exclusion experiments in a <...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meiofauna taxa at several depths in the cages, partial cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops... -
Manipulative field experiment to study the predation by epibenthos on infauna...
Abiotic and biotic parameters measured in a field experiment to investigate the effect of predation by epibenthos on infaunal macrobenthos of a <i>Ceriops tagal</i>... -
Seasonal fluctuation of the meiobenthos community in <i>Avicennia marin...
Densities of the most important meiobenthos phyla in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> mangrove sediment in Gazi Bay (Kenya) together with the sediment environmental data.... -
Characterisation of the habitat of the Flemish banks, the maritime country ba...
The hyperbenthic community of subtidal sandbanks is described (density, species composition) and related to abiotic variables in order to get an idea about the habitats and the... -
The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habi...
The structural biodiversity of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the BCS is studied. Furthermore, ecological indicator species are determined which can be usefull... -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos using field exclusion experiments in a Ceri...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meiofauna taxa at several depths in the cages, partial cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops... -
Manipulative field experiment to study the predation by epibenthos on infauna...
Abiotic and biotic parameters measured in a field experiment to investigate the effect of predation by epibenthos on infaunal macrobenthos of a <i>Ceriops tagal</i>... -
An experimental approach to study epi-and infauna of mangrove forests in Gazi...
Meiobenthos densities and abiotic parameters measured during a cage experiment in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops tagal</i> forest sampled...