Artistic and architectural transformations to the church of Santa Maria degli...
Video describing the artistic and architectural transformations to the church of Santa Maria degli Innocenti that have taken place over the centuries. -
Polymorphism of phenytoin at low temperature
Phenytoin is a simple organic pharmaceutical material that exhibits a phase transition at low temperature to a new phase. The high temperature form exhibits some unusual... -
The San Lorenzo Palimpsest. Florence, Archivio del Capitolo di San Lorenzo Ms...
This two-volume publication includes an introductory study and pseudo-color images of the San Lorenzo Palimpsest constituting the virtual recovery of a lost music codex,... -
Hand-coloured photographs of Benozzo Gozzoli's frescoes in the Chapel of the ...
Two hand-coloured photographs from the end of the nineteenth century of two frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli (ca. 1420–1497). Florence, Medici Riccardi Palace, Chapel of...