Bekker, Balthasar
Das Fachportal "Hexenforschung" erschien zwischen 1996 und 2015 als Angebot des Servers für die Frühe Neuzeit bzw. Historicum.net, das von der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek... -
Membrane-stacking Properties of Mutant Myelin Proteins
Myelin is the multilamellar structure that ensheaths axons and accelerates nervous impulses in the nervous system. The fine structure of myelin remains to be further... -
The origin of room temperature ferromagnetism in strained BiFeMnO epitaxial f...
We have produced high quality, epitaxial and phase pure thin films of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 (BFMO) grown on (001) SrTiO3 substrates using pulsed laser deposition. The magnetic...