Meteorological data (1997-2018) of experimental field station in Bad Lauchstä...
The considered data set contains measurements of 4 automatic weather stations from 1997 until 2018 installed by Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ GmbH. Here, the... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rate in the Bermuda reef commu...
Despite the potential impact of ocean acidification on ecosystems such as coral reefs, surprisingly, there is very limited field data on the relationships between calcification... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and pH of the extracellular calcifying fluid and...
Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the growth and function of coral reef ecosystems. A key component to coral health is the microbiome, but little is known about the impact of... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and kelp densities and coral coverages at three ...
Ocean warming is altering the biogeographical distribution of marine organisms. In the tropics, rising sea surface temperatures are restructuring coral reef communities with... -
Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia - Tree heights
The data set presents more than 32,000 of about 40,000 trees, which were surveyed during several Russian-German expeditions by the North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk and... -
Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia - Tree measure...
The data set presents more than 12,000 of about 40,000 trees, which were surveyed during several Russian-German expeditions by the North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and genomics variation of Arbacia lixula individ...
Our study explores genomic signs of adaptation in A. lixula to different water pH conditions. To achieve this, we analysed the genomics variation of A. lixula individuals living... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and metabolome of the brown macroalgae Lobophora...
The main aim of our study was to explore the impact of OA on the metabolome of brown macroalgae using Lobophora rosacea as a model species. This species is widespread in New... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and coral primary production
While research on ocean acidification (OA) impacts on coral reefs has focused on calcification, relatively little is known about effects on coral photosynthesis and respiration,... -
Projective cover of ground vegetation types at 32 sites in Northwestern Canad...
Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest Territories, Yukon and British Columbia in Canada. The study area is within the boreal forest biome and is partially underlain... -
Raw herbaceous layer projective vegetation cover at 32 sites in Northwestern ...
Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest Territories, Yukon and British Columbia in Canada. The study area is within the boreal forest biome and is partially underlain... -
Raw moss layer projective cover at 32 sites in Northwester Canada, in Summer ...
Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest Territories, Yukon and British Columbia in Canada. The study area is within the boreal forest biome and is partially underlain... -
Aggregated herbaceous layer projective vegetation cover at 32 sites in Northw...
Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest Territories, Yukon and British Columbia in Canada. The study area is within the boreal forest biome and is partially underlain... -
Aggregated moss layer projective vegetation cover at 32 sites in Northwestern...
Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest Territories, Yukon and British Columbia in Canada. The study area is within the boreal forest biome and is partially underlain... -
Raw plot-wise ground vegetation above-ground biomass at 31 sites in Northwest...
Above-ground biomass for ground vegetation is given in g per m² for each taxon and different vegetation types at 31 sites. Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest... -
Aggregated ground vegetation above-ground biomass at 31 sites in Northwestern...
Above-ground biomass for ground vegetation is given in g per m² for each taxon and different vegetation types at 31 sites. Vegetation surveys were carried out in Northwest... -
Abundance of mesopelagic fish collected at different layers of the water colu...
This file contains data on number of mesopelagic fish collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2020 in five zones around the Iberian Peninsula: Balears and... -
Coral calcifying fluid chemistry at CO2 seeps
Coral reefs are iconic ecosystems with immense ecological, economic and cultural value, but globally their carbonate-based skeletal construction is threatened by ocean...