Stakeholders' preferences survey about new technology acceptance and potentia...
This dataset contains results of a survey conducted in order to understand the new technology acceptance and potential development for waste management in wine production. A... -
Phenological data of 26 varietes of cherry, apricot, peach and apple trees si...
This dataset contain phenological observations and growth data of 7 cherry, apricot and apple trees varietes and 5 peach trees varietes evaluated since 2016. These data come... -
Phenological data of 26 varieties of apple, apricot, cherry trees and peach t...
These datasets contain phenological observations on 7 apple, apricot, cherry varieties or mutants and 5 peach varieties evaluated since 2016. These data come from observations... -
Typology of European livestock production areas
This typology of European livestock production areas was made during the collective scientific assessment of the 'Role, impacts and services provided by European livestock... -
European climate indicators datasets
This dataset corresponds to a datamart produced by the WP2 team of the Landmark H2020 project. A specific request consists in the computation of a limited number of climate... -
Inter-laboratory evaluation of the standard ISO 20130:2018 “Soil quality - Me...
This document presents the supporting information (i.e. the global tables of results) obtained during the Inter-laboratory evaluation of the standard ISO 20130:2018 “Soil... -
Thésaurus d'Agroécologie
Le thésaurus Agroécologie contient 556 concepts relatifs aux pratiques, aux enjeux et aux formes d’agriculture relevant de l’agroécologie. La langue du thésaurus est le... -
Phenological data of 28 apple tree varieties and 4 pear tree varieties in a F...
These datasets contain phenological observations on 28 apple varieties or mutants and 4 pear varieties evaluated since 2004. These data come from observations carried out... -
Thésaurus INRAE
Open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields. It serves as a repository within the institute to index and annotate documents, web pages, activity descriptions and... -
Biological and physico-chemical dataset from different freshwater fishponds s...
The data were collected from experimental freshwater fishpond systems (semi-intensive coupled with lagoon, semi-intensive and extensive). The dataset presented is composed of:... -
Etude 4pour1000 : BANCO simulation data for publication of the article "A Mar...
input data and simulation outputs of the BANCO model : cost effective allocation of the net abatement effort. Simulations made for the article revision submited to JCP.... -
Quantifying anthropogenic effect on S. cerevisiae vineyard metapopulation div...
This dataset contains all genotypes files used in the manuscript for various genetic analyses. -
Gene ontology of hepatic differentially abundant proteins during the transiti...
Longitudinal liver proteome collected at 4 time points (d -21, +1, +28, and +63 relative to parturition) from Holstein cows treated with abomasal infusions of coconut oil (CTRL)... -
CIRCASA DELIVERABLE D1.4: "International Knowledge Synthesis activities"
In order to understand soil’s contribution to ecosystem services, large-scale modelling and mapping soil properties and processes are needed. This increased global understanding... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Animal Physio...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Animal... -
Agricultural specialization is linked with negative environmental impact. The SYNERGY bio-economic model studies promising levers to limit these impacts: expand of legumes... -
Etude Place des agricultures européennes à l'horion 2050
Données de l'étude AE2050 -
Science for policy 3: Climate change: no winners when it comes to soil functi...
This dataset is part of both Deliverable 5.3 and was produced by the WP4 team of the Landmark H2020 project. It contains the following shapefiles: ... -
Data on structure and farming practices of French organic vegetable farms, wi...
Data were collected using an online survey sent to farmers from April-July 2019 -
Datasets associated with innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste int...
Bearing in mind the terms of the H2020 Horizon NoAW project, based on the near zero-waste society and the promotion of circular economy in agro-waste management, one of the...