Data of simulation study for preliminary detection of problematic items in it...
It was carried out a simulation study that took into account the item properties of extremeness (difficulty, location) and consistency. The background idea is that a scale... -
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses for the shortened version of WHO...
Primary data associated with reassessing the factor structure of the WHOQOL-BREF. The file includes two data sets: Study 1 (exploratory factor analysis), with a sample of 968... -
(Table S1) Factor loadings matrix of planktonic foraminifera assemblage of IO...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. -
(Fig. 3f-h) Distribution of planktonic foraminifera factors in surface sedime...
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Varimax factor matrix of total dead benthic foraminiferal data set (Table 9)
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Varimax factor matrix of total living benthic foraminiferal data set (Table 7)
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Q-mode varimax factor scores matrix of benthic foraminifera assemblage of sed...
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Q-mode varimax factor loadings matrix of benthic foraminifera assemblage of s...
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(Table 6) Distribution of factor loadings for relative clay mineral contents ...
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Factor analyses and sea surface temperature estimation for ODP Site 202-1240 ...
DEPTH, sediment is given in mbsf. -
(Tab. 2) Q-mode varimax factor loadings matrix of benthic foraminifera assemb...
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Q-mode varimax factor scores matrix of benthic foraminifera assemblage of sed...
includes data from sediment cores GeoB9526-4 and GeoB9526-5 -
Table A7. Statistical analysis of late Quaternary benthic foraminiferal assem...
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Table A6. Statistical analysis of late Quaternary benthic foraminiferal assem...
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(Appendix C) Varimax-rotated principal component scores
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(Appendix B) Varimax-rotated principal component loadings of ODP Site 120-748
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(Appendix B) Varimax-rotated principal component loadings of ODP Site 120-747
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(Table 5) Varimax Principal Component scores of live associations >125 µm
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(Table 2) Estimated sea surface temperatures and factor analysis based on rad...
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Varimax factor matrix (VFM) of the surface sediment data set, tab B
Variance - Factor A: 42.568, Factor B: 35.379, Factor C: 16.490; Cum. Variance - Factor A: 42.568, Factor B: 77.947, Factor C: 94.436