Effect of temperature on bacterial abundance in the water surrounding decayin...
The effect of varying temperature on the kinetics of aerobic microbial respiration (a proxy for oxidative carbon mineralization) associated with copepod carcasses was studied in... -
Quantification of microbial cells and virus-like particles in the water colum...
Water samples were collected using 7.5-Liter Niskin bottles and fixed with 25% electron microscopy graded glutaraldehyde (1% final concentration) and stored at -80°C until... -
Quantification of microbial cells and virus-like particles in sediments from ...
Sediment cores were collected using a multicorer (MUC). Microbes and virus-like particles were extracted from sediments in a 3°C room using a modified version of the washing... -
Quantification of microbial cells and virus-like particles in sediments from ...
Sediment cores from sites K3, K4, K5, and K7 were recovered by subsampling a box corer (50 × 50 cm), while sediment cores from sites K4 and K6 were collected using an autonomous... -
Quantification of microbial cells and virus-like particles in the water colum...
Water samples were collected using 7.5-Liter Niskin bottles and fixed with 25% electron microscopy graded glutaraldehyde (1% final concentration) and stored at -80°C until...