In a recent series of successful experiments at PSI and ISIS we were able to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the rate of transfer of a small molecule (allyl alcohol)... -
Spin relaxation of short-lived spin-labelled radicals in solution
The spin relaxation rates of free radicals in solution can provide valuable information about the dynamics of molecular tumbling in solution, and solvent-radical interactions.... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
Development of Radio Frequency µSR as a Method for Determining Hyperfine Coup...
Radio Frequency µSR provides a direct method for accurately determining muon hyperfine coupling constants, Aµ, for muoniated radical species. The method complements the well... -
Characterizing Mu in 6H-SiC with RF-MuSR
We propose a set of RF measurements on Silicon Carbide (polytype 6H) to identify and characterize the muonium species present below room temperature. One of the main goals of...