Interaction of Xe with Membranes Using µSR
The mechanism of action of inhalation anaesthetics such as N2O and the inert gases are unclear. Direct binding to receptor sites on membranes would rely on weak intermolecular... -
Anomalous temperature dependence of the ALC spectrum of polybutadiene
The relative importance of factors affecting the low temperature ALC spectra of organic molecular systems such as polymers and small molecules is a topical issue. Polybutadiene... -
RF MuSR in the gas phase: The Search for a Radical State
The main spectroscopic technique for studying radicals in solids and liquids, ESR, cannot usually be used to study radicals of more than 3-5 atoms in the gas phase due to strong... -
Artificial [FeFe]-Hydrogenases and Muon Spectroscopy
Preliminary measurements of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model complexes were made in a previous experiment using EMU (RB 1010177). The results were interpreted in combination with DFT... -
Probing the [FeFe]-hydrogenase using muon spectroscopy
During our previous experiment on HiFi (RB1320541) we measured the ALC spectrum of the Fe2(µ-pdt)(CO)4(PMe3)2 model hydrogenase complex over multiple temperatures. The spectra... -
Rates of Molecular Transfer Across Interfacial Layers Using µSR
The first direct measurements of the rate of transfer of a probe molecule across an interfacial layer have been made at PSI, using TF and ALC-MuSR. This application for beamtime...