Viability, culturability and DNA loss rate obtained for collected bacteria af...
Viability, culturability and DNA loss rate were obtained for collected bacteria after filter and impingement-based sampling. The sample extracts were spread on TSA plates. The... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and cellular metabolism of the great scallop Pec...
In the ocean the main climate drivers affecting marine organisms are warming, hypercapnia, and hypoxia. We investigated the acute effects of warming (W), warming plus... -
Interface direct shear test data for developing maximum peak and constant vol...
The dataset contains the shear displacement data of more than 100 direct shear tests (constant normal load). Naturally corroded, 35 different steel surface have been sheared... -
Hedging, ambiguity, and the reversal of order axiom [Dataset]
We ran experiments that gave subjects a straight-forward and simple opportunity to hedge away ambiguity in an Ellsberg-style experiment. Subjects had to make bets on the... -
Higher Order Risk Attitudes, Demographics, and Financial Decisions [Dataset]
We study the prevalence of the higher order risk attitudes of prudence and temperance in an experiment with a large demographically representative sample of participants. Under... -
A dynamic Ellsberg urn experiment [Dataset]
Abstract Many theories of updating under ambiguity assume either dynamic consistency or consequentialism to underpin behaviorally the link between conditional and... -
Data related to the paper "Analyzing group communication dynamics and content...
The dataset contains two files: a word file including the transcripts of the communication rounds during the experiment and an excel file with the results of the game and... -
Nonatomic distributivity experiment 2017
User guide in TXT, experiment materials and results in CSV: - exp1materials.csv: materials used in Experiment 1. Items coded with "c" are the critical items. Items coded with... -
Experiment details and friction results
This dataset has no description
Velocity-dependent measurements of Nankai Trough basalts
This dataset has no description
Shear strength of IODP Expedition 322 and 333 sediments approaching subductio...
This dataset has no description
LAMBDA Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments Master Catalog
This table contains a list of known cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments, with links to their home pages (if available), a brief description, some of the more important... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biological parameters during experiments wit...
A large fraction of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by human activity enters the sea, causing ocean acidification. We show that otoliths (aragonite ear bones) of... -
The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - The genera...
We present a new and simple mechanism for repeated public good environments. In the Conditional Contribution Mechanism (CCM), agents send two messages of the form, “I am willing... -
Imitation under stress [Dataset]
Imitation has been shown to be an important heuristic, in particular in relatively complex environments. In this experiment we test whether subjects are more likely to use... -
Savage vs. Anscombe-Aumann: an experimental investigation of ambiguity framew...
The Savage and the Anscombe–Aumann frameworks are the two most popular approaches used when modeling ambiguity. The former is more flexible, but the latter is often preferred... -
Inequality, fairness and social capital [Dataset]
Inequality is often associated with negative societal consequences, but identifying a causal relationship is a daunting task. We provide evidence on the impact of unjust... -
From imitation to collusion: a replication [Dataset]
In oligopoly, imitating the most successful competitor yields very competitive outcomes. This theoretical prediction has been confirmed experimentally by a number of studies. A... -
Mandatory Sick Pay Provision: A Labor Market Experiment [Dataset]
The question whether a minimum rate of sick pay should be mandated is much debated. We study the effects of this kind of intervention with student subjects in an experimental... -
On the Ingredients for Bubble Formation: Informed Traders and Communication [...
Bubbles in asset markets have been documented in numerous experiments. Most experiments in which bubbles occur feature a declining fundamental value. This feature has been...