Relative abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria in treated wastewater a...
<p>The dataset reports the relative abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria in treated wastewater and coastal water samples collected in the proximity of discharge... -
Harpacticoid copepod community structure in the Western Scheldt and Ems-Dolla...
Data on biotic parameters of harpacticoid copepods and abiotic parameters related to pollution for samples taken between 1976 and 1980 in the Westerschelde-and Eems-Dollard... -
Chemische analyse van PAK's, Organotin, PCB's, PBDE's en organochloor pestici...
Water, sediment, gesuspendeerde materie en biota werden bemonsterd in de Westerschelde in 2002. Alle matrices werden onderzocht op PAK's, Organotin, PCB's, PBDE's en... -
Organochlorine and total mercury in bivalve <i>Anadara tuberculosa</...
Contamination level by PCB, organochlorines pesticides and mercury for <i>Anadara tuberculosa</i> and other species at Punta Morales, Puerto Alto and Jicaral during... -
Benthic Communities and Environmental Parameters in Three Mediterranean Ports...
Three seasonal sampling campaigns (winter, summer before touristic period, summer after touristic period) were implemented during 2012 in three Mediterranean touristic ports:... -
Metabolisme, reproductie en vervelling als eindpunten voor het bestuderen van...
This dataset results out of the study into ecotoxicological evaluation of the effects of endocrine disrupting substances occurring in the Scheldt estuary on resident mysid... -
ICES contaminants and biological effects
DOME contains marine environmental data featuring: <ul> <li> North-East Atlantic, Greenland sea, Baltic sea and Norwegian sea <li> Contaminants in biota,... -
Cefas09 - Effects of paint-derived tributyltin (TBT) on structure of estuarin...
This experimental laboratory study assessed the effects of different levels of paint-derived TBT, and different modes of exposure, on estuarine nematodes. -
Cefas08 - Effects of simulated deposition of dredged material on structure of...
Data are the result of a laboratory experiment, designed to investigate the effects of the degree of contamination and the role of burial associated with the deposition of... -
Cefas07 - Effects of simulated deposition of dredged material on structure of...
The main objective of the data derived from this microcosm experiment was to assess the ability of nematodes to vertically migrate into native muddy and non-native sandy... -
Trophic interactions at the sediment-water interface: effect of beam-trawling...
The direct effect of beam-trawling on sub- and intertidal <i>Lanice conchilega</i> reefs and associated fauna will be assessed by means of an <i>in...