Employer Skills Survey, 2019: Special Licence Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Employer Skills Survey 2019 (ESS 2019) gathered labour market intelligence (LMI) on employer... -
Asunnottomuustyö Suomessa: työpajatallenteet 2020-2021
Aineiston teemana on asunnottomuustyö ja sen sisältämien haasteiden kohtaaminen Suomessa. Aineisto on koottu tutkijaryhmän järjestämistä työpajoista, joihin asunnottomuustyön... -
Työelämävalmentajien haastattelut 2008-2010
Aineisto koostuu työelämävalmennusalan ammattilaisten haastattelulitteraatioista. Haastattelujen keskeisenä teemana on haastateltavien tuottamat ns. coaching-palvelut.... -
Tieteellisten julkaisujen toimituskuntien kysely 2021
Aineistossa selvitetään tieteellisten julkaisujen toimitusten koulutus- sekä yhteistyötarpeita tarkoituksena edistää uusien koulutus- ja yhteistyömuotojen syntymistä sekä... -
Employer Skills Survey, 2017: Special Licence Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Employer Skills Survey, 2017 (ESS 2017) marks the fourth occasion that labour market... -
RI:TRAIN Plus Quantitative Survey 2021 (SUF edition)
Reduced edition for scientific use. Research Infrastructures (RIs) and their services are an essential element in creating the potential for scientific progress in the European... -
Interviews with PhD students at the University of Vienna on research data man...
Full edition for scientific use. The data collection was carried out for an exploratory needs-assessment at the University of Vienna, Austria in the course of the FAIR Data... -
Adult Education Survey (AES 2012 - Germany)
Learning at an adult age. Labour status. Characteristics of main occupation. Occupational status. Educational background: Participation in regular educational path (part 1:... -
BIBB - School Graduate Survey 2012
Bildungsverhalten von Jugendlichen. Berufliche Wünsche und beruflicher Verbleib von Schulabgängern und Schulabgängerinnen. Themen: Derzeitiger Status der beruflichen Ausbildung... -
leo. - Level-One Study (Level One)
The Level One Study is analyzing the level of functional illiteracy. Topics Learning at an adult age. Occupational status. Characteristica of main professional occupation.... -
Eurobarometer 75.4 (2011)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 76.2 (2011)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
BIBB/BAuA-Employment Survey 2012
Berufsverläufe und Fachkenntnisse. Qualifikationsanforderungen. Weiterbildungsbedarf und ausbildungsadäquate Beschäftigung. Verwertbarkeit beruflicher Qualifikationen.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 378 (The Experience of Traineeships in the EU)
Experiences with traineeships. Topics: personal experiences with traineeships, apprenticeships, or student jobs; number of traineeships in total, after the end of studies,... -
BIBB Transition Study 2011
Educational pathways of young adults, career biography, school achievement, choice of school, choice of occupation, family background, young people´s application behaviour,... -
Adult Education Survey (AES 2014 - Germany)
Content Learning in adulthood. Employment status. Characteristics of the main professional activity. Professional situation. Educational background: regular education (Part 1:... -
Central Fair of the Masters of Tomorrow 1987
Creation, benefit and effects of exhibit presented, motives for and frequency of participation in the Central Fair of the Masters of Tomorrow (ZMMM), extent to which informed... -
Central Fair of the Masters of Tomorrow 1988
Creation, usefulness and effects of the exhibit presented, motives for and frequency of participation in the ZMMM, extent to which informed about and orientation on... -
Organization of Leisure Time among Young Workers 1977
World view as well as leisure interests and extent of leisure time, leisure activities and satisfaction with this. Topics: Evaluation of scientific surveys; leisure interests... -
Pre-Military Training - Instructors 1985
Degree of political interest and media usage, valuations on international policy and the balance of power, personal pre-military training completed, effectiveness of...