Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS) 2019-2023, On-Site, Version 0
Das AFiD-Panel Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS-Panel) beinhaltet Mikrodaten der Intrahandelsstatistik (EVAS 51141), einschließlich Schätzungen für Unternehmen unterhalb der... -
Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS) 2011-2018, On-Site, Version 0
Das AFiD-Panel Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS-Panel) beinhaltet Mikrodaten der Intrahandelsstatistik (EVAS 51141), einschließlich Schätzungen für Unternehmen unterhalb der... -
Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS) 2011-2020, On-Site, Version 0
Das AFiD-Panel Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS-Panel) beinhaltet Mikrodaten der Intrahandelsstatistik (EVAS 51141), einschließlich Schätzungen für Unternehmen unterhalb der... -
ifo Education Survey (2018) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2018) - versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2021) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2021) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2020) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2020) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2019) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2019) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2017) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2017) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2016) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2016) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2015) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2015) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2014) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2014) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
AFiD-Modul Combined International Trade and Investment Data 2002-2020, On-Sit...
Das AFiD-Modul Combined International Trade and Investment Data (CITID) ermöglicht die Verknüpfung von Forschungsdaten der Forschungsdatenzentren der Statistischen Ämter des... -
Business-Tax-Panel (BTP) 2013-2019, KDFV, Version 0
Im Business-Tax-Panel (BTP) werden folgende Datensätze zusammengeführt: EVAS-Nr. 73511 Gewerbesteuerstatistik EVAS-Nr. 73211 Körperschaftsteuerstatistik EVAS-Nr. 73311... -
EBDC Business Expectations Panel (2022)
Das EBDC Business Expectations Panel, BEP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Konjunkturtests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Expectations Panel (2023)
Das EBDC Business Expectations Panel, BEP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Konjunkturtests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Investment Panel (2023)
Das EBDC Business Investment Panel, BIP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Investitionstests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
The German Cliometrics Database (replication data)
This short article introduces the German Cliometrics Database as the fundament of Jopp and Spoerer (2024) who trace cliometric research on German history. This newly constructed... -
Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS) 2011-2019, On-Site, Version 1
Das AFiD-Panel Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS-Panel) beinhaltet Mikrodaten der Intrahandelsstatistik (EVAS 51141), einschließlich Schätzungen für Unternehmen unterhalb der... -
ifo Education Survey (2020) - SUF ifo Bildungsbarometer (2020) - SUF
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS) 2011-2019, On-Site, Version 0
Das AFiD-Panel Außenhandelsstatistik (AHS-Panel) beinhaltet Mikrodaten der Intrahandelsstatistik (EVAS 51141), einschließlich Schätzungen für Unternehmen unterhalb der...