Glasovi otrok, 2012
Raziskava Glasovi otrok obravnava pojavnost nasilja na osnovi etničnosti (jezika, kulture in/ali rase) med otroki in mladostniki v osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Zajema več oblik... -
Photographs produced by non-state actors in Burma and the Burmese borderlands
The contemporary Burmese state, (Union of Myanmar), recognises thirteen ethnic 'families', of which the ethnic Burman peoples are but one. Since independence from Britain in... -
Social networks and infant mortality: the impact of bonding and bridging on b...
Qualitative and quantitative data relating to social networks and support received by women from diverse backgrounds during pregnancy and following the birth of their child.... -
The role of celebrity in young people's classed and gendered aspirations
Interview and focus groups transcripts, school summaries and participants overview in six 11-19 co-educational comprehensive schools. This youth-centred study combines... -
Living with sickle cell or thalassamemia trait: implications for identity and...
We carried out a two year ESRC funded qualitative study, using focus groups and in depth- interviews, looking at the long term impact of being identified as a carrier of sickle... -
Terms of Engagement: Muslim and Jewish School Communities, Cultural Sustainab...
The research project aimed to explore issues of cultural sustainability and community engagement through schools in which both Muslim and Jewish school traditions had... -
Living Multiculture: the new geographies of ethnic diversity and the changing...
The qualitative data collection consists of a total of 138 transcripts and approximately 70 observation field notes. In detail the data collection = 1. A series of detailed... -
Older Women's Lives and Voices: Participation and Policy in Sheffield
The main focus of the project was on the development of participative methodologies in investigating the intersection between older women’s lives and their ‘voices’; their... -
Adults' and children's friendships across social class and ethnic difference
This is a qualitative project drawing on a data base of 114 interviews with children, their parents, teachers and governors at three primary schools in London. The aim was to... -
Demographic characteristics and projections of ethnic minority and religious ...
Time-series dataset of the demographic characteristics of the UK ethnic minority populations and religious groups up to 2006, to study ethnic and religious demographic diversity... -
British and German expat life in Asia 2013-2016
This data collection is comprised of different types of data relating to British and German expat life in Asia in longitudinal perspective. It contains: (1) transcripts of... -
Location dynamics, owner occupation and ethnicity in Scotland (LDOES)
The LDOES project investigated the dynamics of changing neighbourhood populations over two decades in Scotland. The project has substantive links with two other ESRC projects:... -
Photographs of Cham taken on Hainan Island, Vietnam and Malaysia 2016-2019
The body of work was created by the professional photographer James Sebright in 2017, during an ESRC/AHRC-funded research project entitled ‘Cham Centuries' on Cham resident in... -
Visualising the lives of LGBTIQ Roma 2019-2020
The lived experiences of lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Roma, sometimes referred to as Romany Gypsies, remain invisible to most people, who are not aware... -
Catalogue of Mental Health Measures, 2020
The catalogue can be browsed in a number of different ways depending on your interests and needs. You can search the catalogue for: (1) Mental health or wellbeing topics. For... -
Domestic Homicide: Interviews with Families, Survivors and Professionals and ...
This three-year ESCR-funded project aimed to address important gaps in knowledge of domestic homicide. Domestic homicide is both a global and a domestic problem that...