Geomagnetic Hpo index (V3.0)
This data publication includes the half-hourly Hp30 and ap30 indices as well as the hourly Hp60 and ap60 indices, collectively denoted as Hpo. This dataset is based on near... -
Geomagnetic Hpo index
This data publication includes the half-hourly Hp30 and ap30 indices as well as the hourly Hp60 and ap60 indices. All are unitless and collectively denoted as Hpo or Hpo index... -
Geomagnetic Hpo index
This data publication includes the half-hourly Hp30 and ap30 indices as well as the hourly Hp60 and ap60 indices, collectively denoted as Hpo. This dataset is based on near... -
ClassifyStorms - an automated classifier for geomagnetic storm drivers based ...
The software package “ClassifyStorms” version 1.0.1 performs a classification of geomagnetic storms according to their interplanetary driving mechanisms based exclusively on...