ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach base...
"ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach based on improved filtering of the reprocessed gradients of the entire mission (GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6)"... -
A GOCE only gravity model GOSG01S based on the SGG and SST observations
We compile the GOCE-only satellite model GOSG01S complete to spherical harmonic degree of 220 using Satellite Gravity Gradiometry (SGG) data and the Satellite-to-Satellite... -
Surface displacement, self-attraction and loading and M2 ocean tide fields in...
As a supplement to Huang et al. (2021) “Anelasticity and lateral heterogeneities in Earth’s upper mantle: impact on surface displacements, self-attraction and loading and ocean... -
GFZ/ITSG Level-3 Products Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies
GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-3 product based on GFZ RL06 Level-2B products (Dahle & Murböck, 2019) and ITSG-Grace2018/ITSG-Grace_operational VDK3 filtered (citation) representing... -
gravityInf - inverse hydrological modeling based on gravity observations to e...
gravityInf is a small R-package which aims at supporting the anaylsis of a sprinkling (infiltration) experiment in combination with simultaneous and continious gravity... -
Gravity and ancillary monitoring data of a sprinkling experiment - complement...
A sprinkling experiment was conducted at the geodetic observatory Wettzell (Bavaria, Germany) with the intention to combine classical hydrological field observations of soil... -
3D lithospheric structure of the Caribbean and north South American Plates an...
We are providing the geophysical data used to develop a gravity validated 3D lithospheric configuration of the Caribbean and north South American plates. The sources of these... -
3-D-Deutschland (3-D-D): A three-dimensional lithospheric-scale thermal model...
We present a 3-D lithospheric-scale model covering the area of Germany that images the regional structural configuration. The model comprises 31 lithostratigraphic units:... -
Average crustal densities and main terrain boundaries of the Caribbean oceani...
These data are supplementary material to "3D Modelling of Vertical Gravity Gradients and the delimitation of tectonic boundaries: The Caribbean oceanic domain as a case study"... -
GRACE Geopotential GAC Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent the sum of the ATM (or GAA) and OCN (or GAB) coefficients during the specified timespan. These coefficients represent anomalous... -
GRACE-FO Geopotential GAC Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent the sum of the ATM (or GAA) and OCN (or GAB) coefficients during the specified timespan. These coefficients represent anomalous... -
GRACE Geopotential GAD Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that are zero over the continents, and provide the anomalous simulated ocean bottom pressure that includes non-tidal air and water contributions... -
GRACE Geopotential GAB Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal dynamic ocean to ocean bottom pressure during the specified timespan. The anomalous... -
The processing and modelling of hydrometerological and gravity data at the Ar...
This software publication describes the data acquisition, processing and modelling of hydrological, meteorological and gravity time series prepared for the Argentine-German... -
Lithospheric-scale 3D model of the Southern Central Andes
The Central Andean orogeny is caused by the subduction of the Nazca oceanic plate beneath the South-American continental plate. In Particular, the Southern Central Andes (SCA,... -
GRACE-FO Geopotential GAA Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal atmosphere to the Earth's mean gravity field during the specified timespan. This includes... -
GRACE-FO Geopotential GAB Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal dynamic ocean to ocean bottom pressure during the specified timespan. The anomalous... -
3D Gravity Constrained Model of Density Distribution Across the Alpine Lithos...
The Alps are one of the best studied mountain ranges in the world, yet significant unknowns remain regarding their crustal structure and density distribution at depth. Previous... -
Scripts to calculate the Vertical Gravity Gradients response of a 3D lithosph...
The scripts and workflow are supplementary material to "3D Modelling of Vertical Gravity Gradients and the delimitation of tectonic boundaries: The Caribbean oceanic domain as a... -
Hydrometerological and gravity data from the Argentine-German Geodetic Observ...
The data set contains hydrological, meteorological and gravity time series collected at Argentine-German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO) in La Plata, Argentina. The hydrological...