The ITU geoid based on Least Squares modification of Hotine integral with add...
The ColLSMHA2021 geoid gravimetric model has been computed by the Gravity Research Group of the Department of Geomatics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (ITU-GRG).... -
The gravimetric geoid of Madeira: GEOMAD
The local geoid for Madeira was computed using strapdown airborne gravimetry measurements taken on 27 and 31 August 2010 as part of the GEOMAD campaign. The inertial... -
HUST-Grace2020: Monthly gravity field model derived from GRACE mission
The HUST-Grace2020 model is the latest GRACE-only gravity field solution developed at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The model includes a set of spherical... -
WHU-GRACE-GPD01s: Monthly gravity field models derived from GRACE intersatell...
The WHU-GRACE-GPD01s models are the latest monthly gravity field solutions recovered from GRACE intersatellite geopotential difference (GPD) data processed at the School of... -
The polar extended gravity field model TIM_R6e
TIM_R6e is an extended version of the satellity-only global gravity field model TIM_R6 (Brockmann et al., 2019) which includes additional terrestrial gravity field observations... -
The satellite-only gravity field model GOCO06s
GOCO06s is a satellite-only, global gravity field model up to degree and order 300, with secular and annual variations up to degree and order 120. It was produced by the GOCO... -
The Earth's gravity field as seen by the GOCE satellite - an improved sixth r...
The static gravitational model GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R6 Is the 6th release of the GOCE gravity field model by means of the time-wise approach. GOCE Input Data: - Gradients:... -
ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach base...
"ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach based on improved filtering of the reprocessed gradients of the entire mission (GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6)"... -
A GOCE only gravity model GOSG01S based on the SGG and SST observations
We compile the GOCE-only satellite model GOSG01S complete to spherical harmonic degree of 220 using Satellite Gravity Gradiometry (SGG) data and the Satellite-to-Satellite... -
Using real polar terrestrial gravimetry data to overcome the polar gap proble...
With the successful completion of ESA's PolarGAP campaign, terrestrial gravimetry data (gravity anomalies) are now available for both polar regions. Therefore, it is now...