Compilation of the opal content in marine sediment from the last glacial maxi...
set compiled from different sources by Lloyd H Burckle -
GISP2 Stratigraphy
Depths of mid-summer as determined separately from ECM and visual stratigraphy in the GISP2-D ice core. Also given are calculated layer thicknesses (true and ice equivalent) and... -
Countries of the world
Ordinal number is eqivalent to world size range; lat/long is location of capital -
Opal, quartz and calcium carbonate content in surface sediments of the ocean ...
Data compiled from different sources, see column Reference for originator. This is a revised version of the original data set of 1999. -
Development of neutrons as entangled quantum probes
We recently completed an experiment on LARMOR at ISIS that proved that each individual neutron prepared for a Spin Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SESANS) measurement is in... -
Kinetics of Benzene Hydrogenation Revisited in the Presence of Excess Liquid
Heterogeneous catalysis, where the reagents are either contained in a liquid medium, or are liquids in their own right, plays a significant part of the chemical industry. These... -
The electronic structures of the ground-state open-shell singlet di-radical m...
The di-radical (DR) that has an open-shell ground-state singlet, and an excited-state triplet, with a rather small energy gap between, has shown its outstanding performance in... -
Understanding the Structure and Hydrogen Bonding Interactions of Ethanoic Aci...
The hydrogen bonding interactions between species in binary liquid systems can have a significant effect on the properties, especially in relation to the pure materials. Binary... -
Inelastic neutron scattering of alpha and beta anomers of xylose and glucose:...
Carbohydrates are one of the major classes of biomolecules that make up most of the organic matter on earth and serve as energy stores, fuels and metabolitic intermediates. They... -
Operando neutron reflectometry of lithiated silicon protected by an artificia...
Besides green energy harvest the storage of energy is one major problem in modern world. The state-of-the-art battery systems nearly reached their theoretical limit. Therefore... -
Is Zeolite Deactivation Through Pore Blocking?
Zeolites are porous framework materials that have active catalytic sites inside narrow channels. Unwanted reactions create coke in the pores which may block access to the active... -
Studying weakly hydrophobic guest hydrates and ammonia-water gas ternaries by...
The proposing team has a well established experience in the use of INS on samples containing molecular hydrogen. Our recent experimental results on various types of H2 clathrate... -
SANS Study of the interaction of model wax alcohols with non-ionic surfactant...
The understanding of the plant wax-surfactant interaction process is crucial to the development of more effective pesticide and fungicide formulations, essential for improving... -
LOKI Detector testing
This dataset has no description
Structural phase diagram of rare earth substituted multiferroic BiFeO3 - revi...
BiFeO3 is the most widely studied multiferroic and rare earth doping overcomes problems associated with phase metastability and leakage which have hampered applications. We...