Detailed temperature dependence of the low-field ALC in TMS-Pentacene
We wish to investigate the evolution of the low-field ALC peaks with temperature of TMS-Pentacene, so we can extract the temperature dependent electron spin relaxation rate. Our... -
Detailed structures of surfactant micelles
Measurements are required for Sans2d resolution checks and also the overlap of the two Sans2d detectors. Proposal submitted to panel and they deemed it should be done as... -
Detailed Structure of Phospholipid Bilayers from Multiple Contrast Neutron Re...
In recent monolayer measurements, we have developed models for obtaining detailed structural information of phospholipid structures. The models employ a 'quasimolecular'... -
Detailed investigation of the magnetic interaction as a function of temperature
In the series R2PdSi3,the Nd compound is considered to be an anomalous as it orders ferromagnetically (TC= 16 K) with a weak frequency-dependent ac susceptibility (χ)...