Global dataset on the presence of debris in nests of seabirds
This dataset includes information on the presence of plastic debris in nests of 14 seabird species from different locations in the world. It also includes generated data for... -
Data to estimate urban seismic damages and debris from building-level simulat...
This dataset contains informations about buildings in Beirut in shapefile format used for estimation of seismic damage and debris at the urban scale. The buildings are in... -
(Table 1) Relative abundances of dispersed organic matter in Neogene sediment...
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(Table 1) Relative abundances of dispersed organic matter in Neogene sediment...
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(Table 1) Relative abundances of dispersed organic matter in Neogene sediment...
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Table 7: Net fluence estimates for Iridium and meteoritic ejecta debris depos...
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Table 5: Relative proportions of vesicular impact melt and unmelted meteorite...
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Radiolarians opal input of sediment core PS2498-1
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Radiolarians opal input of sediment core PS1768-8
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(Table 2) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-962...
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(Table 2) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-961...
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(Table 2) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-960...
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(Table 1) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-959...
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Vegetation and soil properties in subalpine and alpine belts in the Tatra Mou...
The data present characteristics of the spatial pattern of vegetation in the Kocioł Świński Goryczkowy (upper part of the Goryczkowa Świńska Valley) and the Kocioł Gąsienicowy... -
Vegetation spatial pattern and snow depth in nival gullies in the Tatra Mount...
The data presents characteristic of the spatial pattern of vegetation and data of snow patches disappearance in 2 nival gullies located on the Beskid Mt. and the Uhrocie... -
(Appendix A) Palynofacies absoulte abundances of DSDP Hole 38-338
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(Table 2) Lithology of sediments at DSDP Leg 89 and 90 Sites
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(Table 1) Light minerals in sand at DSDP Leg 84 holes
The Middle America active continental margin is the best-sampled active plate margin to date, having been drilled during Legs 84, 67, and 66. With nine sites drilled on the... -
(Table 1) Clay mineralogy at DSDP Sites 86-576 and 86-578
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments deposited on the eastern and western sides of the Shatsky Rise show similar clay assemblages of chlorite, illite, mixed layers, smectite,... -
(Table 2) Grain composition of sediments from ODP Hole 161-974B and from beac...
Miocene to Pleistocene sand and sandstone were recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 974 in the Tyrrhenian Basin and Sites 976 and 977 in the Alboran Basin. Sand detrital...