Early Career Research Consortium
The early career research consortium has provided young researchers from any subject area within AI with the opportunity to present their ideas and receive feedback at an early... -
Federated Search in Manuscript Databases
This presentation gives an overview about the motivation for manuscript databases. To build manuscript databases we used the database management tool Heurist which was... -
Humanities-Centred AI (CHAI)
AI can support research in the Humanities making it easier and more efficient. It is thus essential that AI practitioners and Humanities scholars take a Humanities-centred... -
Complementary Document Representations for Information Retrieval
In this paper, an approach for combining different document representations to support retrieval systems to deliver similar documents from different views is presented. The... -
Databasing on Demand and Federated Search in Manuscript Databases
This seminar showed how to create and link databases into a federated database system. The challenges that have to be overcome in order to build such a system were also shown.... -
3rd Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2023)
AI can support research in the Humanities making it easier and more efficient. It is thus essential that AI practitioners and Humanities scholars take a Humanities-centred... -
2nd Workshop on Humanities-Centred Artificial Intelligence (CHAI 2022)
AI can support research in the Humanities making it easier and more efficient. It is thus essential that AI practitioners and Humanities scholars take a Humanities-centred...